The Chinese Official Media People's Daily published a comment article on Thursday (July 6) pointed out that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report did not prove the legitimacy of the Fukushima nuclear pollution water, and it is difficult to ensure that the Fukushima nuclear pollution waterThe harmlessness of the sea is safe and harmless, and it cannot be removed from the Japanese side's moral responsibility and the obligations of international law. It should not become a "amulet" for the Japanese side forcibly break through.

The article said that after IAEA released a comprehensive assessment report on Fukushima's Fukushima nuclear pollution water treatment, the Japanese government showed obvious excitement and was planning to pack the report into the "amulet" of Fukushima nuclear pollution water.EssenceHowever, this report failed to fully reflect the opinions of all experts from all parties participating in the evaluation work. The conclusions failed to be unanimously recognized by experts from all parties.Farewell.

The article pointed out that the report did not prove the legitimacy of Fukushima nuclear pollution water.The Japanese government unilaterally choosing to discharge nuclear pollution water to the Pacific Ocean is entirely due to economic cost considerations and pass the risk of nuclear pollution to all humans.The only beneficiary of the sea is Japan. Other Pacific countries are forced to bear risks and consume a lot of resources to respond.Two years ago, the Japanese party requested the agency to review and evaluate its sea excrement plan, and eliminated other safer and optimized disposal plans from the beginning.The institution also evaluates this plan provided by the Japanese side.The report clearly states that the legitimacy of proved to the sea is the responsibility of the Japanese side, which is critical to many interests; the institution has not suggested that the Japanese side uses the sea programs or endorses the Japanese side of the sea.

The article also said that the report is difficult to ensure that the Fukushima nuclear pollution water is safe and harmless.The Fukushima nuclear pollution water contains more than 60 radioactive nucleo. Many nuclein currently does not recognize effective purification techniques.The effectiveness and maturity of the Japanese "multi -nuclearin treatment system" have not undergone third -party certification, and multiple failures have occurred.According to the data released by the Japanese side, more than 70%of the radioactive nucleo activity concentration of nuclear pollution water after treatment exceeds the emission limit.The Japanese nuclear pollution water will last for 30 years or more. How can it prove that its purification device can run for a long time?Tokyo Electric Power Corporation has repeatedly concealed and tampered with the previous department of pollution water data. How can the institutional evaluation based on the data and information provided by it can reassure the international community?The institutional report states that the relevant safety conclusion is based on the plan set by the Japanese side, and will establish a long -term supervision of the Japanese side -rowing mechanism, just to prove the long -term risk of nuclear pollution water.

The report says that the report can also be exempted from the moral responsibility of the Japanese side and the obligations of international law.The international community concerns the Japanese nuclear pollution water, which is essentially concerned about the risk of the Japanese party's passing on nuclear pollution and violating the obligations of international law.Japan discharged nuclear pollution water to the ocean, suspected of violating the protection of the protection and preservation of the marine environment in violation of the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law Convention, and violated the 1972 London Repeated Convention to prohibit the provisions of the marine waste through the marine construction of the maritime structure.No matter how Japanese decorations, they cannot change the fact that it is suspected of violating international obligations.

The article pointed out that the Japanese side tried to create a public opinion, that is, the report of the non -trust institution was to damage the authority of the institution.However, the Japanese side deliberately drilled the empty, restricting the institution's review and authorization on the issue of Fukushima's nuclear pollution water, which led to incomplete conclusions and prerequisites for the report. This is the biggest harm to the authority of the institution.The Japanese side pretend to be deaf and confusing the audiovisual. It is stubborn that it will start the sea as scheduled this summer. It will explain to other countries to justify and slander. It even mixes the normal drainage of the nuclear power plant with the pollution of the ocean dumping nuclear accidents.This is by no means a responsible country.

The article finally emphasized that on a major issue related to the international public interests such as nuclear pollution water, the Japanese side has the responsibility and obligation to explain the world.The Japanese side should be clear that the institutional report cannot subscribe to the outside world's doubts about nuclear polluting water, and it is impossible to become a "amulet" for the Japanese side forcibly break through the barrier.The Japanese should be lost to return, faithfully fulfilling international moral responsibility and obligations of international law, stopping the planning of nuclear pollution water and discharge plans, and fully study and demonstrate the disposal plan other than the sea., Safe and transparent ways to dispose of nuclear pollution water.

IAEA announced on Tuesday (July 4) that the plan to discharge the Fukushima first nuclear power plant nuclear power station into the sea on Tuesday (July 4) meets international security standards.The next day, Japan Economic News reported that the Japanese government has developed nuclear treatment water from the Fukushima first nuclear power plant from August as soon as August.

Subsequently, Wang Yi, the director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy in Japan, and the Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, recently expressed concern on this, calling on Japan to in -depth coordination with the neighboring countries and the international community, to deal with it carefullywait.