After China introduced the relevant export control measures of the 锗 and 出 出, there were signs of upgrading the tension between China and the EU; the European Commission expressed concern on Chinese new measures on Tuesday (July 4).The senior representative of Policy Burley visited China next week.

It is believed that China's export control and postponed measures to delay Borley's visit to China show that China's attitude towards Europe has gradually changed, and it no longer has just launched a charming offensive.

After the Dutch government announced the implementation of new export control measures on some advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment on June 30, the official Chinese official Monday (July 3) announced on the grounds of maintaining national security and interests.Export control of semiconductor raw materials 锗 and 锗 related items.

The European Union Commission expressed concerns about China's export control measures on Tuesday (July 4), and the Dutch government also urged the European Union to respond to China's regulations.According to VOA, the European Commission spokesman Sonya Gospodinova criticized China's export restriction measures to protect global peace and stability.

Gospoinova said: "We call on China to take export restrictions and control measures based on clear security considerations and meet the rules of WTO."

The manufacture of composite semiconductor, TV and mobile phone screens, solar panels and radar manufacturing; the use of 锗 includes optical fiber communication, night vision mirrors and space exploration.The European Commission listed 镓 and 锗 as strategic raw materials in the European key raw material bill released in March this year.According to the European Commission's 2020 report, Chinese produced in China accounted for 80%of global supply.

China continued to release tough signals to Western countries after release the export control measures of 锗 and 锗.China Official Media Flond Times English website published the editorial late at night on Tuesday, emphasizing that China's export restriction measures are more warnings, indicating that China will not passively extract the global semiconductor supply chain.Perhaps the United States and its allies have believed that China has no law except complaining to the United States' discounted semiconductor semiconductor field, but this export restrictions let them know that this is a misjudgment in a practical way.

Wei Jianguo, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said in an exclusive interview with China Daily, "This is just the beginning of China's countermeasures, and there are many sanctions and types of Chinese sanctions."If technical restrictions on China continue to upgrade, China's countermeasures will be further upgraded.

Zhuang Jiaying, an associate professor of political science at the National University of Singapore, analyzed to Bloomberg that China's export restrictions were to return to the United States and their allies with their teeth.If you go on, the market and enterprises will adjust.

Sino -European relations are intense EU seniors' visits to China plan to change

It was originally reported this week that Berrelli will visit China on July 10; but after the issue of restrictions on semiconductor raw materials export restrictions on Central Europe, the EU spokesman said on Tuesday. China has postponed Berry's visit to China on Tuesday.At present, neither China and Europe have released the date of visiting China determined by Berley.

Berrey was originally scheduled to visit China in April to meet with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, but was postponed due to crown disease. This is the second time Berley delayed his visit to China.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to relevant questions at a regular press conference on Wednesday (July 5), saying that China attaches great importance to Sino -European relations and has always maintained interaction with the EU at all levels."We welcomes the senior representatives of Berrely to visit China as soon as possible when both parties are convenient, and I hope to continue to communicate with the European side."

The director of the EU Research Center of Renmin University of China and Wang Yili, a professor at the EU "Mobo", said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the EU currently emphasizes the risk of dependence, including reducing dependence on China in some key raw materials; China tributes in China.Remind Europe through the control measures of raw materials to remind Europe that this type of de -risk and de -Chineseization operations cannot work.

China has actively promoted the high -level dialogue between China and Europe since the end of last year to seek recovery of Sino -European relations.However, some opinions believe that China's export control measures and the measures to postpone Borley's visit to China show that China's attitude towards Europe has gradually become hard, and it will no longer focus on the charm of charm.

Wang Yilu pointed out that China's goal still hopes to cooperate with Europe, but China also reminds European countries not to follow the footsteps of the United States. At present, it seems that China -Europe relations will have some periods of friction and tension in the short term.