(Beijing Comprehensive News) In the southwestern and northeast of China, many places have been recently suffered from heavy rain. The heavy rain in Wanzhou District, Chongqing, municipality in the west has caused flood disasters. As of 10 am on Wednesday (July 5), 15 local deaths have been killed.Missing.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Chinanews and CCTV News reported that the Chongqing Wanzhou District Emergency Bureau reported on Wednesday. Wanzhou District was attacked by heavy rain from July 3rd to 4th. As of 10:00 on the 5th, the rainfall caused 36 local township streets in the local area.In the disaster, the affected population was 37,226, the emergency hellfunded transfer was 1578, and the emergency transfer was resettled by 779 people.

In addition, flood disasters have led to 138 local collapsed houses, and 112 houses and 221 houses are damaged. The direct economic loss of the region exceeds 227.84 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about NGD about N $ 42.56 million).

Chongqing and Sichuan have suffered continuous heavy rainfall on June 29, which caused floods and geological disasters.In Wanzhou District, Chongqing, severe waterlogging occurred in many streets, and the railway bridge collapsed.Social media videos show that the rivers of urban rivers are soaring, the water is turbulent, and a large number of private houses are flooded.

, China's official instructions have issued instructions that the State Flood Control and Drought Resistance Headquarters, Emergency Management Department, and Ministry of Water Resources should strengthen overall coordination, strengthen business research and judgment, do a good job of monitoring and early warning, accurately guide key areasDisasters such as insurance and urban waterlogging prevention work, and make every effort to rescue the disaster.

The National Defense General Working Team went to Chongqing to guide flood control work on Wednesday.The Ministry of Finance of China and the Ministry of Emergency Management Emergency pre -allocated 320 million yuan in central natural disaster relief funds, supporting floods and geological disaster relief in 16 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities including Chongqing, and Sichuan.

Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Yunnan, Zhejiang and other places have also encountered heavy rainfall in recent days.Among them, Heilongjiang launched a major meteorological disaster (heavy rain) level IV emergency response on Wednesday.