With the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, there have been many cases that use AI to spread fake news or fraud in China recently.The Shaoxing Police in Zhejiang reported on Tuesday (July 4) and cracked a case of using ChatGPT technology to make false videos.

According to the surging news report, Shaoxing police introduced that during the online inspection of the police in early June, some netizens found that a video of "fire in the Shangyu Industrial Park" was released, and the number of views of browsing rose rapidly in a short period of time.After the police involved in verification, it was confirmed that the video was false information, and then locked in a certain technology company in other provinces.

Police investigations found that the company has illegally acquired a batch of video accounts from the Internet since May, using ChatGPT technology to automatically search for corresponding online videos based on Chinese, and complete the stitching of text and video.The suspect posted false videos to the Internet to obtain traffic, and profit was made through the traffic algorithm.As of now, the gang has illegally purchased more than 1,500 video accounts and released more than 3,000 unprecedented videos.

It is reported that the three suspects have been criminally compulsory measures by the police for provoking trouble, and the case is under further investigation.