The feeding incident in NASA Kindergarten in New Taipei City, after being investigated, believes that it is likely that after Oolong, the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi campaign office requested the DPP presidential candidate and Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde to apologize within 24 hours, otherwiseThe criminal telling of the slander will be proposed.

According to the Taiwan China Times, the Children's hair test results involved in the kindergarten involved in the kindergarten announcement released by the New Taipei Procuratorate on Thursday (June 29) showed that 36 young children did not detect 47 kinds of phenobarbad, includingBarbich and phenyl nitrogen -level drugs, but some young children have experienced common cold medicines.

The New Taipei Procuratorate pointed out that the hair test is based on the "Qi -Phase layer analysis high analysis mass spectrometry method" and "liquid -phase layer analysis skewers" implementation test.General medical testing uses the "immune method" drug screening, which causes problems such as pseudo -positive or weak yang reactions.

In this regard, Hou Youyi said on Thursday that although the truth of the feeding case of social attention in the past one and a half months has clarified, he feels heavy, because in the process, politicians have continuously discredited rumors, creating social opposition, allowing parentsHe had a sense of distrust with Youbao Teacher, the hearts were floating, and the whole society paid a painful price.

He criticized the DPP that he could not deliberately operate the people's hearts; the election was just a moment, and the method of manipulating the political election should not be deepened. "I think the politicians responsible," I think the responsible politicians, the political figure,, the responsible politician, the political figure,, the political figure,, the political figure,,,Responsibility should be held.

The spokesman for Hou Qi, Jiang Yizhen, said that Shilin and the Procuratorate of the New Taipei have all certified "Lai Qingde to make rumors to destroy Taiwan". Please Lai Qingde formally apologize to all parents in Taiwan and take responsibility.

Jiang Yizhen criticized the DPP in the Xinbei Medicine case in Xinbei, the largest rumor group in Taiwan. Lai Qingde, who has no integrity, is not qualified to lead Taiwan.Dai Weishan, a spokesman for Lai Qingde's office, should also resign from the spokesman for his rumor.

Xie Zhengda, deputy chief executive of Hou Youyi campaign office, said that the Kuomintang had previously reported to Taipei City Zhongzheng Branch, Lai Qingde and Dai Weishan were suspected of spreading false news and violating the maintenance law of social order.A formal apology within 24 hours, otherwise the criminal telling of slander will be proposed.

In this regard, the Democratic Progressive Party of the New Taipei City Council stated that the New Taipei City Government missed the best test time in this case, causing the believers to believe that the believers are constant.As a result, simple cases cannot be clarified by Zhao Gongxin, and the case is still investigating. I hope that the truth will be able to come out.

Dai Weishan responded that the processing method of the city government obviously had a huge gap with parents and society, causing parents' dissatisfaction and social anxiety. The city government criticized her to spread rumors.Apologetic.

It is understood that the Taipei Procuratorate has accepted the report and is expected to be investigated by 10 people including Lai Qingde on July 3.