(Washington News) The current and former officials of the United States revealed that China and Cuba are consulting the establishment of a new joint military training facility in Cuba.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the news on Tuesday (June 20) to make the above report, stating that the moves of the Middle -aged countries will cause Washington's concerns because China may be able to be only 100 miles (about 161 kilometers) only 100 miles from the coast of Florida, the United States.Division and other security and intelligence operations.

The US intelligence report shows that the above facilities are expected to be located on the northern coast of Cuba. The discussion has entered the later stage, but it has not concluded.The Biden government has contacted Cuban officials and tried to stop the agreement.

U.S. officials said that in the new information of the United States, the new training facilities planned to be established in Cuba were mentioned, and these intelligence was convincing but incomplete.However, decision makers and intelligence analysts still express their concerns.

The above -mentioned U.S. officials pointed out that new military facilities can provide a platform that allows China to permanent garrison on the island and expand the scope of intelligence collection, including eavesdropping in the United States.

It is reported that the most concerned about the United States is that the proposed construction is affiliated with China's "141 project" and is a measure for the Chinese People's Liberation Army to expand global military bases and logistics support networks.

U.S. officials revealed that the Middle Ages had jointly operated four eavesdropping stations in Cuba.This eavesdropping network has experienced a major upgrade around 2019. At that time, it was expanded from an eavesdropping station to four sites that were jointly operated. China also participated more deeply.

One of the former U.S. officials said that other strongholds of the "141 project" include a naval outposting station located in Cambodia and a military facility set up in a port of the UAE.The "141 project" base known before is not in the Western Hemisphere.

The Wall Street Journal disclosed on June 8 that China established a spy base in Cuba to secretly monitor the United States secretly; both in the Middle and ancient countries referred to the report that it was not foundation and purely rumored.US officials responded from contradictory. At first, the report was inaccurate. After that, the Bayeng government anonymous officials acknowledged that these facilities had existed since 2019.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe, a spokesman for the Wall Street Journal, said at the media briefing on June 12 that because of sensitive information, they could not provide specific details at the time.