Taiwan's "Metoo" storm continues to burn. Wu Naide, the father of the DPP political star Wu Yinong, was accused of holding hands and kisses to a female college student.Wu Nide has publicly apologized and promised that he will no longer participate in public affairs.

Comprehensive Taiwan media reports, Huang Tingqiao, a staff member of the Taiwan rural front, posted on Facebook on June 4 that during the college in college 13 years ago, he was the general call of the white terrorist youth camp.Later, "the chairman of the civil unit related to the issue, W", took the initiative to contact me to eat and comfort hard.

Huang Tingqiao pointed out that during the return of the meal, "Teacher W" took her hand on the driver's seat, put his hand on his cheek, and then kissed.After a long time, "Teacher W" put down his hand and drove her back to the school dormitory.

Huang Tingqiao said that at that time, "Teacher W" called to apologize to her, but afterwards, she did not want to see "Teacher W" as much as possible to avoid all related occasions.EssenceShe wrote: "In the nightmare of this morning, I dreamed of the incident 13 years ago again. In my dream, I was so angry that I was so angry that I was breathing, but I dared not resist.Huang Tingqiao did not disclose the identity of "W" in this post, but she posted on Facebook on June 9th on June 9th, named "Teacher W" Wu Naide, then the chairman of the Taiwan folk truth and reconciliation promotion association.

Wu Naide is also a part -time researcher at the Social Institute of the Central Academy of Central Academy of Taiwan. His brother is Wu Nairen, the largest new trend of the Democratic Progressive Party.

In this regard, Wu Naide issued three states through the Taiwan folk truth and reconciliation promotion association on June 9, saying that it was tortured by Huang Tingqiao for 13 years ago and sincerely apologized to the other party.Her apology can heal her trauma a little.

Wu Naide also said that people who have lost their social trust and are not trusted by the society should not participate in public affairs; political discussions, speeches, lectures and initiatives are participating in public affairs.Withdrawing from Taiwan's folk truth and reconciliation promotion association, and no longer participate in public affairs."This guilt will always accompany me."

Wu Yinong posted on Facebook on the 9th that he and his family's distress at this moment cannot be expressed in words.Do something wrong, only apologize again."We want to say to the injured person, I'm sorry, I hope to apologize again, and we can make up for the damage."

Wu Yinong also said: "All events that happened, we are leading. Our.Father will always be our father. We will accompany him and work together to face everyone with a more humble and more empathetic heart. "

Taiwan Metoo storm begins with a 22 -year -oldThe former female party worker of the Democratic Progressive Party began to burn to this day last month.