China's demand for coal in Australia increased, and Australian coal imports increased by 75%from last month.

According to Bloomberg News on Tuesday (May 23), Chinese customs data show that China imported 3.89 million tons from Australia in April, an increase of 75%over the previous month.Australian coal shipments have also climbed to the highest level since the fall of 2020.

China is the world's largest coal production country and consumer country, and high -quality Australian coal is reportedly welcomed by Chinese steel manufacturers and power plants.

The relationship between China and Australia has changed sharply in the past few years, and the confrontation between the two countries in the economic and trade field has significantly heated up.Australia adopts anti -dumping and anti -subsidy measures for products imported by China, stainless steel sinks, and other products imported; China restricts imported Australian coal, barley, red wine, lobster and other products.

After Australian Prime Minister Albanis took office in May last year, the relationship between the two countries showed signs of recovery.Bloomberg reported in March this year that China will allow domestic companies to import Australian coal.