The Ministry of Education of China issued the enrollment work notice of primary and secondary schools, standardized the order of enrollment, and prohibited the selection of school students from passing the exam or disguised examination in primary and secondary schools to ensure fair admission opportunities.

According to the information issued by the website of the Ministry of Education on Monday (May 22), the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued a notice on the enrollment of general primary and secondary schools in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as notice), Deploy enrollment enrollment in primary and secondary schools this year.

Notifying that localities must ensure the balance of supply and demand for degree resources, grasp the needs of children in the administrative area, and do a good job of providing degree supply guarantee. For local conditions and policies due to local conditions, to ensure that children with appropriate age are nearly enrolled.

The notification emphasizes that all localities must strictly implement the regulations for exemption and entrance examinations. Students must not be selected by examinations or disguised examinations.

The Ministry of Education also requires localities to strengthen the management of ordinary high school enrollment, and optimize the arrangement of enrollment plans in accordance with the actual situation, and strive to increase the supply of high -quality ordinary high school degrees.We will deepen the reform of general high school enrollment management and further reduce the cross -regional enrollment plan of public and private general high schools to ensure that by 2024, it will fully realize territorial enrollment and "citizen -co -recruitment".At the same time, all localities must also ensure that special group students enter the school and keep the bottom line of preventing children from dropping out of school.

The Ministry of Education emphasized that the local government should maintain the relatively stable enrollment policy, and report to the Ministry of Education in a timely manner to adjust the adjustment of large policy reforms in a timely manner.Know "and guide parents to form reasonable school expectations.