Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, May 23rd Question: Why is the subway station built about 200 million yuan?

Li Ping and Gu Xiaoli, reporters of Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua View Point"

Recently, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, has invested in about 200 million yuan to build a No. 3 subway line and one subway station. There are few passengers. The utilization rate is not high to become a "island", which has aroused social attention.What causes this people's livelihood engineering investment and dissatisfaction with the people?"Xinhua View Point" reporter launched a follow -up investigation.

Weeds around the subway station are overgrown, and nearby residents go around

Recently, the reporter saw at the scene that the first phase of the first phase of the Gaotang Bridge Metro Station of Ningbo Line 3 stood in a large number of newly harvested rapeseed fields, with about 60 acres of farmland.Among them, the two exports of A and B are currently connected by the Ningjiang Highway, which is a long distance of one hand, and can be passed. The two exports of C and D are closed and the exit door is closed, and half of the weeds around are high.

Ningbo Metro Line 3 built in farmlandGaotangqiao Station C Exit (Photo Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ping on May 16)

The villagers named Gu in the vegetable field told reporters, "This subway station is built in the middle of the farmland.

Ms. Chen, who lives in the Heshun Home District, told reporters that she has lived in the community for more than 3 years and rarely goes to Gaotangqiao Station to take the subway.Because this subway station is separated from the river in the middle of the Heshun Home District, there is no road pass, and residents need to detour for nearly 3 kilometers, and it is better to take a bus.

It is understood that the Heshun Homeland Community, which is only more than 100 meters from the Gaotang Bridge Metro Station, has more than 2,500 households and more than 3,700 people."There is a subway station at the door but can't sit, and the residents are dissatisfied, reflecting more than three years," said the cadres of He Shun community.

The relevant person in charge of Ningbo Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd. said that the location of the Gaotang Bridge Station was approved in July 2015. In 2017, the station entry and exit of the station was completed and opened to traffic in June 2019. The entire project cost about 200 million yuan.

According to the prediction of the environmental impact report of the first phase of the Ningbo Rail Transit Line 3, after the first phase of Line 3 project was opened in 2018, the average daily passenger flow was 11,300/kilometer, and the 15,000 person -times/kilometer in 2021 were 15,000 people/kilometers.EssenceHowever, in fact, the current average passenger flow of 6,000 people/km to 7,000 persons/kilometers, only about half of the planning prediction.

Why are there very few passengers in subway stations?"Because the Gaotang Bridge Station was built in the basic farmland, the commercial and residential projects planned by the surrounding area were not built. The road connecting and Shunxun District involved the problem of occupying the basic farmland.The person in charge of Ningbo Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd. said.

The reporter's further investigation found that in Ningbo City, the dilemma facing Gaotang Bridge Station was not a case.For example, the Jizhang Road Station near Gaotang Bridge Station is also "surrounded by farmland. The two exports of C and D are closed and unused.According to the data provided by the Ningbo Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, within 300 meters around Jizhang Road Station, there are about 68 acres of permanent basic farmland.

The planning of "advanced leadership", the mentality of "get on the car first and then buy tickets"

According to Article 35 of the Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China, no unit or individual may occupy or change its purpose without authorization after the permanent basic farmland is determined according to law.National energy, transportation, water conservancy, military facilities and other key construction projects are indeed difficult to avoid permanent basic farmland. If it involves the use of agricultural land or land acquisition, it must be approved by the State Council.

Why do you know that the area is the basic farmland area, and still set the Gaotang Bridge subway site here?The reporter interviewed relevant experts and experts in Ningbo.

The relevant person in charge of the Ningbo Natural Resources and Planning Bureau said that the site was located in the basic farmland area, mainly because the original urban and rural planning and land utilization plan had some local "unreasonable" situations, and there was a pioneering problem.

In 2013, "Chen Po Du (later changed to Gaotang Bridge) -Huangzhang 'Land Control Detailed Plan", the reporter saw that 10 years ago, the basic farmland around Gaotang Bridge Station wasIt was planned for commercial and residential land, and the Ningbo Land Land Use Planning at that time still classified this area as arable land and basic farmland.

"In order to highlight the leading role of rail transit on the advancement of urban development, the former Ningbo Municipal Planning Bureau issued the site selection of the first phase of the rail transit line 3."Essence

Some Ningbo citizens do not recognize this statement.They believe that according to relevant national standards, the subway should be set on the main passenger channels with a large urban passenger transport.The connection between the subway lines and the subway and other transportation systems should be safe and convenient to transfer.Building a subway station into a "island" is questionable whether it is in line with the country's idea of developing subway.

In addition, the subway station has been invested and used for nearly four years. Why did some exports and abandoned and supporting roads have not changed?

Some local cadres revealed that the previous consideration was that they wanted to use the window period of subsequent land use planning and repair, and properly adjusted the layout of permanent basic farmland to gradually promote the development of roads and commercial housing around the site.However, due to institutional adjustment and other reasons, the existing planning landing and the construction of supporting facilities are difficult to advance.

Residents near Gaotang Bridge Station reported that from the current results, the planning and construction did not play a role in "leading".The masses bring convenient transportation.

Some planning experts and grassroots cadres interviewed by the reporter said that the encounters of Gaotang Bridge Station reflected the development mentality of "getting on the car first and replenishing the ticket".The opportunity of national policy adjustment "make -up procedures".

The "red line" of cultivated land cannot be passed

The relevant departments of Ningbo fed up some measures to improve the problem to reporters.

"According to the latest land and space planning, Gaotang Bridge Station has been included in the border of urban development, and Zhonghui Road at China Unicom and Shunxun District and Gaotang Bridge Station already have construction conditions. At presentStudy and preliminary design work, strive to complete land application approval in September this year, and start construction in October to solve the problem of difficulty in exporting from Gaotang Bridge Station. "Wang Lejun, deputy director of the Ningbo Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Ningbo.

Local cadres said that they are arranging the 127 built subway stations in the city to comprehensively understand which subway stations are not available after construction., Classified analysis, effectively improved.

Ma Yuanjun, a professor at the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences of Zhejiang Normal University, believes that how to grasp the "advance" "advanced lead" of major infrastructure layout is a very important question.The scientific, foresight and compliance of major public infrastructure project decisions.

Professor Cai Fei, a professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, suggested that we must continue to advance multi -regulations such as land planning, urban planning, transportation planning, and industrial planning.

More importantly, "No matter what kind of construction considerations, no matter what stage the local cities have reached, this 'red line' for cultivated land protection has never been surpassed." Cai Fei said.