34 teachers from Sanmenxia, Henan, China reported that there was no salary medical insurance, so they decided to protest.The local education bureau responded that these teachers had resumed work and promised to solve the problems of preparation reflected by the teachers in the shortest time.

According to the interactive report of orange persimmon, it is reported on the Internet that it is said to be a teacher's statement that contains 34 people signed and the date is May 15.These teachers complained that they were admitted to the municipal direct -office teacher four years ago and started teaching. However, in the past four years, the relevant preparation has not been implemented, and there is no labor contract, salary, social security, medical insurance or provident fund.

The teachers said that they had repeatedly reported to the competent department but have not failed. In the end, "forced to be helpless and pressure from all parties, our 34 teachers can only choose the most humble way."Ask everyone", until the problem is completely resolved, and said that the impact on parents, schools, and society, I hope everyone understands.

Some netizens said that the school involved was a private school called "Oriental Cambridge".

Sanmenxia Education Bureau reported on Monday (May 22) through the Weibo account release situation to confirm that 34 teachers from the Sanmenxia Citizenship School went to the Municipal Education Bureau on the 15th to report the preparation issues. "The Municipal Education Bureau No. 1Time to do a good job of patience and meticulous policy interpretation, teachers return all the night. "All 34 teachers are on the job, and the school teaching order is normal.