Russian Prime Minister Mashassjing has arrived in Shanghai, China, to launch a visit to China. He will attend the China -Russia Business Forum and meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Russian satellite news agencies reported that Michase Beijing arrived in Shanghai on Monday (May 22), and the Russian ambassador to China Igor Morglov and the Chinese in Russia orderedAmbassador Zhang Hanhui went to the airport to pick up the plane.

According to the Russian government, Mashu Seng's two -day visits will start from Shanghai. He will speak on the China -Russia Business Forum held in Shanghai and hold talks with Russian business representatives.Sources said that the person in charge of important enterprises of the two countries will attend the event.

Bloomberg reported earlier that this forum invited some sanctioned Russian business tycoon, including Russian fertilizer tycoon, pipeline manufacturers, and steel company giants.

Michase Jing will also visit a petrochemical research institute in Shanghai.

Michase Beijing will go to Beijing on May 24.According to the Russian government news, Xi Jinping will meet with Mishusus on the same day.In addition, Mashassjing will meet with the Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang.

Sources said that the talks about the realistic issues of Sino -Russian economic and trade cooperation, especially the cooperation between the two countries in industry, energy, transportation infrastructure, agriculture and other fields.After the talks, the two countries will sign a series of bilateral agreements.