After the Dalian Wanda Group claims to compress individual departments, the company's domestic and foreign bonds continue to fall, showing that the market's concerns about the group's debt repayment capacity have intensified.

Bloomberg's summary data shows that Wanda expired in July this year, with a ticket interest rate of 6.875%of the US dollar debt on Monday (May 22) every dollar (below, S $ 1.35) fell 11US scores, reported at 64.1 cents, a record of the decline; just two weeks ago, the bond quotation was still above 90 cents.

In the domestic market, the "200,000 Dama 01" fell 9.3%in September to 79.1 yuan (about S $ 15.2), which was the lowest since November last year.

Wanda Group said in response to Bloomberg last weekend that Wanda's "optimization" involves compression of individual departments, but there is no large -scale layoffs, and some department personnel are still increasing.The group also published a statement on the website stating that the news of Wanda's large -scale layoffs was not true.

At the end of last month, the third application for the launch of Zhuhai Wanda expired, making the market worry about fermentation for Wanda's debt repayment capacity.Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter at the time that Wang Jianlin, chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, acknowledged that the company faced some difficulties at a internal meeting last month and said that he could overcome the challenge.