Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan did not directly respond to whether to attend the Shuangcheng Forum held in Shanghai, mainland China this year, only saying that the current working group is in the discussion.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Central News Agency reported that Jiang Wanan went to the Taipei City Council on Monday (May 22) to conduct a project report to explain the situation of the Shuangcheng Forum.He said that this year will continue to handle with the theme of "New Trends and New Challenges", and the time point has fallen in July or August.

In the face of the Kuomintang city councilor Chen Chongwen asked whether to attend the Shuangcheng Forum in person, Jiang Wanan replied that the relevant details are still studying and discussing. Whether individuals are visited and working groups are discussing, and they will report external reports after confirmation.

Jiang Wanan also emphasized that he will definitely take the priority of municipalities. In the past, the Shuangcheng Forum used municipalities as the main axis, and said that in the past, what would be the mayor in the past and what he would take.

The annual forum of Shuangcheng Forum has been sponsored by Taipei and Shanghai.

Since the DPP's administration in 2016, it has not acknowledged the "1992 Consensus" with a China as the core as a common political basis, and all official exchanges have been interrupted on both sides of the strait.The Twin City Forum led by Taipei, which is governed by the opposition party, has become the highest -level dialogue channel on both sides of the strait.