Chinese officials have once again raised their basic pensions for retirees. Retirers who retired by the end of 2022 and received basic pensions on a monthly basis will be increased by 3.8%.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice on the adjustment of the basic pension of retirees in 2023.

The notification is clear. From January 1, 2023, the retirement procedures that have been completed by the end of 2022 and receive the basic pension -based retirees to increase the level of basic pensions. Overall adjustmentThe level is 3.8%of the basic pension per capita pension per capita in 2022.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that the adjustment continued to adopt the adjustment methods of combining fixed adjustment, hook adjustment and proper tilt.Fixed adjustment reflects social fairness, and the adjustment standards of various retirees in the same area are consistent; linked adjustments reflect the incentive mechanism of "more payment and more" and "long payment and more", so that those who pay more and pay for long -term payment will be pension;Properly tilting reflects key care, mainly to take care of groups such as elderly retirees and retirees in difficult and remote areas.

Notice also requires localities to formulate specific implementation plans in combination with local actualities, and issue the adjustment and increased basic pensions into the hands of retirees as soon as possible.

The last time China raised pensions was in May 2022. The media sorted out and found that since the first adjustment of pensions in China in 2005, China's retirees have achieved "18 consecutive rises".