China actively boosted consumption to stimulate the economic recovery, loosen the relevant restrictions of the stalls in many places, and launch measures such as designated stalls to operate and provide free booths.Many media have supported documents, but some commented that there are problems such as lack of two and less pounds, hidden food safety hazards, etc., and relevant departments need to strengthen management.

The stall economy has been considered to be a business model that affects the city's appearance in China for a long time. It is not officially supported. However, in the era of stability and employment in the epidemic situation, roadside stalls have returned in various places.Since the beginning of this year, cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu have successively introduced policies, stating that they will allow stalls to operate, and have opened stalls to operate and commercial exterior policies.

Beijing in January issued the plan to carry out pilots in the key business district, and the district government organizes relevant departments to designate external positions.The factors are set to set up a stall open area.

The regulations of the marketing and environmental sanitation management regulations after the revised market and environmental sanitation in Shenzhen in late April will no longer be completely prohibited from setting up the stalls.Operating venue.

Some cities also provide different support for booth operators, helping the stall's economy heating up.In Shangri -La, Yunnan, 109 free booths were set up along a road to upgrade the stall facilities; in a stalls in Nanning, Guangxi, each booth not only uniformly operating time, but also unified shelves, price cards and sunshade sheds.

At the end of last year, the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference, focusing on expanding domestic demand as a key task in 2023, emphasizing that "enhance consumption capacity, improve consumer conditions, and innovate consumer scenarios".It is an important means to create consumer scenarios, reduce unemployment and stimulate urban vitality.

Many media in China posted documents, saying that the economic development of the ground stalls has led to urban fireworks.In January this year, the official media People's Daily commented that whether it is a fully functional commercial complex or a flexible and convenient mobile stall car, the neon of the night economy is on and the popularity gathering will better stimulate consumer potential and benefit people's livelihood extensively., Thus helping the city to rejuvenate.

However, with the continuous heating of the stall's economy, problems such as traffic jams, food safety, environmental hygiene, and consumer rights protection have also emerged.A consumer in Guangzhou told this newspaper that she recently bought a durian at the night market booth. She went home and found that when she was two pounds, when she went back to defend her rights, the seller had left.

The problem of gradually emerging after the stall economy restarts, the official media Economic Daily published a comment on Wednesday (May 10) that the night economy meets consumers' consumer needs at night, create corresponding employment opportunities, and has long -term existence of people who exist.The foundation, but a night market needs to be done for a long time.

The article states that at present, many night markets lack hard requirements for whether merchants are individual households and whether they hold health certificates and other qualifications, and there are certain hidden food safety hazards; many merchants do not have a clear price.In accordance with relevant regulations; some night markets have garbage disorder and hidden dangers of the people, and fireworks can easily become "dirty abandonment".

Talking about the long -term development of the night economy, the article finally reminded, "Local governments support, the Sub -district Office and other leaders, merchants operate compliantly, and consumers actively participate." These elements are indispensable.