(Berlin Comprehensive News) Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang said on Tuesday that China will communicate with all parties including Germany to seek ceasefire in Ukraine war.

According to Reuters, Qin Gang held a talks with German Foreign Minister Berbek in Berlin on Tuesday (May 9): "China, as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, and a responsible country, China will not watch the fire from the shore., I won't pour fuel on the fire. "

In response to the European Union's proposal sanctions on several Chinese companies that support the Russian war machines, Qin Gang said that Beijing has resolutely opposed some countries to use their so -called "laws" to implement long -arm jurisdiction and singles to other countries including China.Sanctions.

He said: "China will make necessary responses and firmly defend the legitimate rights and legitimate interests of Chinese enterprises."

According to the French International Broadcasting Station, Bell Berk called on a press conference held with Qin Gang, calling on China to take a clear position in the Ukraine conflict and criticize China's neutrality.Neutrality.