Chinese official media on Monday (May 9) exposed a consulting company involved in national security issues to launch foreshadowing for a comprehensive investigation of the consulting industry. The atmosphere of spy shadow permeated the entire industry.

It is reported that China's national security organs have recently carried out law enforcement in accordance with relevant departments, Capvision, the leading company in China. In addition to assaulting the Suzhou Branch of Kaisheng Rongying, law enforcement operations are also synchronized in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other places.conduct.

Kaisheng Rongying's website shows that the company established in 2006 has headquarters in New York and Shanghai, focusing on providing customers with industry expert consultation services.

This company is well -known in the investment community. Many professional investors and entrepreneurs will obtain information through the company when making business decisions; Kaisheng Rongying plays "middlemen" to connect with customers from all walks of life.Kaisheng Rongying's experts are strong, and the company's website said that its expert network has 450,000 people.

It is the service model of this industry expert consultation that has caused this business to fall into anti -spy storms throughout China.

CCTV focus interview: unique consultation reports stated that the source of experts from Kaisheng Rongying is not simple.Choose influential experts.

It is reported that one of the experts who work in a state -owned enterprise in the state -owned enterprise have been consulted more than a hundred times in Kaisheng Rongying, and more than 60 % of them are overseas consultations.He downloaded 5,000 documents and materials through the company's inner network, including one secret state secret, two secret state secrets, 13 information, and 18 business secrets.

Another expert named Lei who involved in the case worked in a key military industry enterprise. He was accused of leaking sensitive information in the field of military industry abroad and providing national secrets for illegal overseas.Experts named Lei said that Kaisheng Rongying's client had asked him "the amount of a military model".

It is reported that the national security agency investigations and masters that Kaisheng Rongying has accepted a large number of foreign companies' consulting projects on China's sensitive industries. "Some of them are closely related to foreign governments, military, and intelligence agencies."

The official media reported that the anti -spy case in the consultation industry was believed to be to deter the entire industry.The report also criticized the consulting industry severely, saying that some domestic consulting companies have a weak national security awareness. In order to obtain economic benefits, they frequently traveled on the edge of the law and caused significant harm to national industrial development and economic security.Overseas stabbing, buying, and picking up national secrets and intelligence. "

In fact, in the past few months, the news that foreign companies in China have frequently reported that foreign companies in China have been investigated, or some staff are detained, involving Mintz Group, including the US due diligence company,Consulting company Bain CO, Japanese pharmaceutical factory A Stellas Pharma.It seems that a anti -spy movement mountain is desperate.

The objective reality that China is facing now is that the external environment is severe. Even if the national security problem has not surpassed the economy to become the most priority, it has been settled with the development of the economy.China and Western frictions are becoming more and more frequent, and China and the United States may fall into a long -term battle. The situation where China and other countries have confidential confidentiality will definitely increase.Even in the United States, the National Security issue has also been highly valued. In the fields of China and the United States, national security is the reason for the United States to sanctions against China.

But on the national security issue, if you cannot make clear definitions and draw out predictable red lines to ensure that the law enforcement action of anti -spy is transparent and legal, it is easy to produce a chilling effect.Recently, a series of actions in Beijing, and the draft amendments to the anti -spy law that China just passed at the end of last month, has made some foreign companies and foreigners in China feel cool.

The revised anti -espionage method has been incorporated into the behavior of cyber spy, spy organizations and their agents, and also expands the scope of the object of secret theft.Administrative law enforcement powers are not allowed to enter the country.On the whole, the scope of strikes and official law enforcement power have expanded, but some of the core concepts in the anti -spy law, such as national security, have not been clearly defined.

Some people are worried. The anti -spy method is elastic and lacks sufficient transparency.Once Beijing has other needs such as diplomacy, will anti -spy law and national security issues become a very convenient excuse?After all, after the Meng Wanzhou incident a few years ago, two Canadian citizens were detained by Chinese officials for spy.

China hopes to release clear signals to the outside world, and will not be soft to theft of the secrets of the Chinese country; in the face of Beijing's vigorous anti -spy, foreign companies in China must also be more cautious and must not cross Guoan's red line.Each country has the legitimacy of protecting national secrets, but the atmosphere of this spy shadow is still a little disturbed. After all, China, which has just stepped out of the epidemic to open the country, is now having to show an open attitude and confidence in rebuilding the external world.