Global China and South Korea's embassies in ChinaBecause of the Taiwan problem, it was on the bars.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue said on April 19 to interview with Reuters on the eve of his visit to the United States. The Taiwan issue is not only a problem between the Taiwan Strait, but "the same as the North Korean issue, it is a global issue."

The issue of Taiwan is the core of China's core interests.This conversation was interpreted by the outside world as the public that the issue of Taiwan publicly stated that the Taiwan issue was not in the Chinese internal affairs, and then caused China and South Korea to confront each other. The time span was nearly three weeks.

The Global Times published in the middle of the night in the middle of the night on April 22, and the "Guoge" of South Korean diplomacy broke the social reviews, saying that South Korean leaders issued a statement in Taiwan before going to the United States."People naturally think that this is loyal to Washington."

Social Comment also pointed out that the statement of Yin Xiyue's government on the Taiwan issue is "the worst statement of South Korea after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992".The same newspaper was also published in the English version of the Global Times the next day.

The leader of the United States and South Korea issued a joint statement on April 26. After mentioning that it is necessary to ensure that the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and stability, the Global Times issued a social review the next night, criticizing South Korea to strengthen the dependence on the United States.It has been caught by the United States and said that the Korean government may be "the least awareness of national independence in the United States."

The South Korean side did not respond at first, until the Yonhap News Agency reported on May 5 that the South Korean Embassy in China had sent a letter to the Global Times and its English version on May 4th, referring to the diplomacy of the relevant social reviews to the Korean government's diplomacy on the Korean government.The policy "has undergone a brain degradation without an objective basis."

The content of the report quoted a strong letter of letter said, "The embassy also pointed out that the two media have accused part of the content of the Korean heads of state with a vulgarity and difficult expression.It is a manuscript published by a decent media. If the Korean media even accus the Chinese leaders in the same way, how can the Chinese people feel that they will think that they will compare their hearts and think carefully. "

环球时报5月8日凌晨Published a "protest" entitled to the South Korean Embassy, and the newspaper had a social review.(Screenshot of the Global Times official website)

The Chinese English version of the Global Times will be released again on the early morning of May 8th.This article entitled "protest" of the South Korean embassy. The newspaper has a comment that said that the strict criticism of the Yin Xiyue government's "charming and pro -Japanese humiliation diplomacy" comes from South Korea.Interest, the Chinese have no interest at all to evaluate.

Social reviews also warn that if South Korean diplomacy continues in this direction, it will stimulate, induce, and increase the imbalance or even collapse of the situation in Northeast Asia, "it will be unbearable for South Korea."

Less than 24 hours, the South Korean embassy in China chose to meet, but the wording was slower than before.The Yonhap News Agency reported that officials of the South Korean Embassy in China said that the embassy has urged individual Chinese media not to condemn the requirements of Korean leaders and South Korean foreign policy, but they are not accepted, and they are deeply dissatisfied and regrettable.

The Korea Herald has reported on May 6 that although the regiment may ask questions about media reports in the resident country and respond to facts wrong, the embassy publicly wrote to it to the embassy to publicly wrote it to it toThe content of the letter editor of the resident national newspaper is "considered extremely unusual."Reuters' report on May 8 also pointed out this.

As of 2 pm on May 9th, the Global Times and the South Korean Embassy in China have no further statement on the situation.The day before, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, said at a regular press conference that the view of the Global Times does not represent the position of the Chinese government, but reflects the current public opinion in China.He also said that the negative public opinion between China and South Korea should not appear in recent times, and the Korean side was urged to "make more constructive efforts" and pointed out that "the source of controlling the source is the key to avoid negative public opinion."

South Korea stationed in Chaoyang District, BeijingHua Embassy.(Official website of the South Korean Embassy in China)

While confronting the air, the two countries also expressed dissatisfaction through diplomatic channels.China had summoned the South Korean Embassy in China on April 20 and 27, respectively, and negotiated the "wrong expression of China" in the joint statement in Yin Xiyue and the United States and South Korea, respectively, and expressed strong dissatisfaction.South Korea also summoned the Chinese ambassador to South Korea to express dissatisfaction with the Chinese refutation of Yin Xiyue and believe that "diplomacy is rude."

Wu Xinbo, Dean of the International Institute of International Issues of Fudan University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post earlier that South Korea ’s latest position on Taiwan’ s issue continues the transfer of foreign policy after the Yin Xiyue government came to power, that is, in China and the United States, in China and the United States, in China and the United StatesMaintaining relatively balanced between the times and tilting significantly towards the United States.

He said that the Yin Xiyue government has adjusted the position of Taiwan -related issues since last year. This time, the Taiwan issue has been internationalized, and it directly shows that the use of force to change the status quo is more than before.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue May 3rdThe opening speech of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Council of Incheon City was held.(Reuters)

China and South Korea have extended to the economic level?

Just a few hours after the Global Times published the relevant social evaluation in the early morning of May 8th, many Chinese media, including, have reportedly reported that the Chinese display panel manufacturer BOE sued the Korean science and technology giant Samsung SamsungInfringement news. reports that as the head players of the global display panel industry, Samsung and LG, which are also Korean companies, are not uncommon for patent disputes with BOE. "But before that, most of the cases were the situation.Korean enterprises' "difficult to send".

Not only the news that BOE unusual action sued Samsung was reported by many Chinese media, but also criticized South Korea on Weibo and supported the Global Times.In addition, Japan and South Korea have recently improved their relationships to increase their alertness. Various signs show that China -South Korea relations may be difficult to repair in the short term.

Liu Yongyu, an assistant professor at East Asia International Relations at the National University of Public Policy of Singapore, analyzed the Lianhe Zaobao earlier that China -South Korea relations have almost fallen to the lowest point since the normalization of relations between the two countries; it can be foreseeableAs, the roads that improve bilateral relations between the two countries will be unstable and slow. Political and security issues will occupy a priority position, which significantly affects the original strong economic and cultural exchanges between the two parties.

In fact, the export of exports to China in the first quarter of South Korea has plummeted, which is one of the precursors of the landslide of China -South Korea relations.

Yonhap News Agency reported on April 30 that South Korea's exports to China in the first quarter of this year were US $ 38.2 billion (about S $ 51 billion), a decrease of 28.2%compared with the same period last year.During the same period, China's total imports decreased by 7.1%year -on -year.Among the 23 major trading partners, South Korea's exports to China have declined.Japan decreased by 19.5%year -on -year, and the United States decreased by only 1.7%.

Report also mentioned that South Korea's account in ChinaCompared with 8.1%from the same period last year to 6.2%.According to analysis, South Korea's exports to China have greatly declined to a large extent because of the downturn of semiconductor exports.

The Voice of Germany Chinese website published on April 26. Deng Yingwen, a Chinese media person who travels to the United States on April 26, said that the reason why Seoul used to be cautious on a series of issues involved in China in the past and the close economy of the two countriesTrade exchanges are the main considerations, but this situation has changed greatly since April last year.

Deng Yanwen said that the deficit in South Korea's trade with China, "will force it to actively develop the European and American markets, and then make Seoul more on the side between China and the United States." quoted Li Shangxun, the chief representative of the Beijing Representative Office of the South Korean Institute of Foreign Economic Policy, analyzed that there are many factors affecting the performance of Korean goods in the Chinese market, but the rise of Chinese brands and the upgrade of product quality.It can be described as the most fundamental reason.

Shi Xian, assistant researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said whether the future Korean commodities can get out of the trough in China depends on the mild Chinese economic trend of the two countries, but also depends on the trend of the Chinese economic trend, depending on the depending onCan Korean brands be reshaped their own competitiveness in China.

The ups and downs of China and South Korea in recent years

Once upon a time, China and South Korea worked with the "honeymoon period" of mutual benefit, including Chinese officials allowing television stationsOne of South Korea's largest investment target country and so on.

However, South Korea's deployment of the "Sad" missile defense system in the United States in 2016 triggered Chinese protests, which once caused the relationship between the two countries to fall into a low tide.Until the former President of South Korea, Wen Zaiyin's administration, there was a period of recovery in bilateral relations, but with the intensification of strategic competition in the United States and China, South Korea -China relations also changed subtle changes.

At the same time, bilateral relations between South Korea and Japan have quickly recovered.Yin Xiyue and the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong held a leading talks in Seoul on May 7. This is also the first time that Japanese leaders have visited South Korea since 2018.Yin Xiyue visited Tokyo in March and participated in the first official summit for more than ten years.Some analysts pointed out that this is the diplomatic victory of the Biden government in the United States. Washington needs Japan -South Korea to unite to restrain China.

Japanese prime minister Kishida (right, start right right) He and his wife Kishida Yuko was invited to the official residence of the South Korean president on May 7 to have dinner with the president Yin Xiyue and his wife Jin Jianxi.(Reuters)

Deng Yanwen's comment article said, "South Korea's settlement from South China and South Korea and Japan is carried out at the same time. Of course, Washington is happy to see and vigorously promote it behind."

The three sides of the United States, Japan and South Korea have recently interacted frequently.Reuters quoted people familiar with the matter on Tuesday (May 9) that Japan and South Korea expect to agree to connect their respective radars through the US system at the beginning of next month to share real -time information about North Korea launched ballistic missiles.Earlier, Kyodo News reported on May 2 that the United States, Japan and South Korea will convene a three -party summit talks during the G7 leader summit held at Hiroshima, Japan at the end of this month to discuss the threat of North Korea's nuclear weapons and missiles.

Under the background of the intensive tension between China and the United States, the sharp upgrade of the United States, and the promotion of the Indo -Pacific strategy, the role positioning and cognition of China and South Korea are in change and reconstruction.

China should restrain the US, Japanese and South Korean triangles in China, Japan, and South Korea, and the situation that responding to South Korea's closer to the United States and Japan is not easy.However, South Korea is not a perfect strategy to the United States, because it is impossible to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue and even promote the unity of the Korean Peninsula.The superposition of various calculations and competition effects may push up the unstable situation in Northeast Asia.