LinkedIn, a business platform of Microsoft, announced that the company will lay off 716 people dueTo.

According to Reuters, the CEO Ryan Roslansky said in a letter to employees on Tuesday (May 9th) that the layoffs will spread to sales, operations and operations, operations and operations.Support teams to streamline the company's operations, reduce the role of the company's management, expand their powers, and accelerate the formulation of decision -making.

In addition to layoffs, after closing the Chinese version of the Lilian Ying in 2021, Lingying will also close the Chinese streamlined application "Lingying Workplace" from August 9.Lingying explained, "Although we have made preliminary progress, Lingying's workplace is still facing fierce competition and challenging the macroeconomic environment. These reasons have led to our final decision to terminate services."

After August 9, Lingying will delete all personal account data of "Lingying Workplace".Lingying said that this change will not affect the accounts and services of other Lingying.

Tan Ying said that the company will continue to retain China's business to help companies operate in China recruit and train employees abroad.

According to the surging news report, Mohak Shroff, senior vice president of Lingying Company and Lu Jian, the president of the leader of the leader of the leader, will hold a meeting of Chinese members to communicate with Chinese colleagues., Including stopping the establishment of products and engineering teams in China, as well as posts that reduce functions, business and marketing departments.

For the next arrangement, Rosuski said that the company will focus on the strategic focus of in the Chinese market to help Chinese companies recruit, brand marketing and skills training overseas.

Lingying entered China in 2014.In March 2021, Lingying temporarily stopped the registration of new users in China to ensure that all the contents and services provided by the platform conform to local laws and regulations.