(Beijing News) The first "single female frozen egg case" in China opened the second trial on Tuesday (May 9) in Beijing. However, like the first instance, the court did not pronounce in court.

According to interface news and surging news reports, Xu Zaozao (pseudonym), a 35 -year -old party, attended the court in the third intermediate people's court in Beijing, told the media: ") Whether it constitutes a question of personality violations'. "

Xu Zaozao, born in 1988, sought frozen egg service from Beijing Maternity and Gynecology Hospital (referred to as "Beijing Maternity Hospital") from the Capital Medical University in 2018.The results of various health examinations showed that her 30 -year -old physical condition was suitable for frozen eggs, but the hospital rejected the frozen egg demand because Xu Zaozao was single.After consulting the professionals, Xu Zaozao brought the hospital to court with a "general personality dispute".

According to Xinhua Newspaper Network, Xu Zaozao said in 2019 that the career is on the rise. If you leave your post to get married and have children, the price behind it is too heavy.

The case was opened for the first time in the Chaoyang District People's Court of Beijing on December 23, 2019.court.On September 17, 2021, the trial was held again, but the court announced that it was pronounced.

On July 22, 2022, Xu Zaozao received the first trial judgment. The court rejected all her claims, saying that the Beijing Maternity Hospital refused to provide her with frozen egg services.Edae of personality rights.In this regard, Xu Zaozao refused to sue to appeal.

After more than nine months, the second trial of the case opened for more than two hours.Xu Zaozao invited an ethical expert as an expert witness, and added some case materials, including related news and discussion on the Internet, the local policy of more friendly single fertility, and the recent medical examination report she had done in the hospital in the hospital.wait.

Xu Zaozao told the Chinese media after the second instance: "After four years apart, my eggs can still be frozen. If I can win this time, I will continue to choose to go to Beijing Maternal and Gynecological Hospital for frozen eggs."