China on Tuesday (May 9) announced that the Canadian consul in Shanghai was listed as an unpopular person and asked her to leave China by May 13.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that this is a move to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, which is completely legitimate and necessary.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a routine press conference on Tuesday that Canada ignored China to negotiate and listed a Chinese diplomat as an unpopularity on the grounds of Chinese interference and additional internal affairs.People, China has strongly condemned and resolutely opposed it, and China has proposed to the Canada to seriously negotiate and protest.

Wang Wenbin said that China has never interfered with other domestic politics, and China interfere with Canada's internal affairs is completely "nonsense".The museum and foreign consular personnel have always abide by the relevant international conventions and local laws and regulations, and perform their duties in accordance with the law.

He said that Canada "with no need to have a crime" announced that Chinese diplomats were not popular, violated the basic criteria of international relations, deliberately destroyed Sino -Canadian relations, and very bad nature.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that in response to Canada's "unreasonable acts", China has adopted peer countermeasures to announce that the Canadian Consulate General Zhen Yihui in Shanghai's Consulate General as an unwelling person asked her to leave on May 13th before May 13thHua is a move that Chinese to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, which is completely legitimate and necessary.He also urged Canada to immediately stop unreasonable provocations. If the Canadian party did not listen to advice, it would be arrogant, and China would resolutely fight back, and all the consequences of this must be borne by the Canadian side.

The Canadian government listed a diplomat in Toronto Consulate General Zhao Wei (transliteration) as "unpopular person" on Tuesday and asked Zhao Wei to leave Canada because he was accused of trying to intimidate oneFamous Canadian councilor and his family.

On the same day, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced that the Canadian Consular Consular Zhen Yihui in the Shanghai Consulate General was listed as "unpopular people" and asked Zhen Yihui to leave China before May 13.