(Beijing Comprehensive ") The EU Ambassador to China has expressed concern about the recent anti -spy law of investigating and newly revised consulting companies in China, but also affirmed China's efforts to promote European peace.

According to Reuters on Tuesday (May 9), the EU ambassador to China, Jorge Toledo Albinana, said at a press conference held in Beijing that the revised Chinese anti -spy law may not be conducive to the realization of the Chinese economy attractionMore foreign investment goals.

He also expressed concerns about investigations by a consulting company.He said: "It is not good news to crack down on consulting companies."

China CCTV reported on Monday (May 8th) that recently, China ’s national security department Capvision, CAPVISION, public enforcement in Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, and Shenzhen.

CCTV said that Kaisheng Rongying accepted the consultation of sensitive industries by overseas companies. Some companies were closely related to foreign governments, military, and intelligence agencies, and some experts leaked sensitive content, state secrets and intelligence in foreign consultation.

Kaisheng's English website shows that its headquarters is located in New York and Shanghai.

Bloomberg reported that China launched a anti -spy movement and the latest goal is to target the consulting company.

Earlier, the employees of the Shanghai Office of the United States Consulting Corporation Bain were questioned by relevant Chinese departments, and five employees of the US due diligence company Minz Group in Beijing were detained.

The Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce stated on Tuesday (May 9) that it was worried about reports on the US due to due diligence and consulting companies in China, and called on the Chinese government to clearly define the fields of enterprises to conduct due diligence.

I hope that China will prompt the Russian army to withdraw from Ukraine

On the other hand, Yao Yaozhi also affirmed China's efforts to promote European peace.

He said at a press conference that Chinese officials and Ukraine President Zelezki's call was a very positive step.He hopes that China can further provide more help for peace, including promoting the Russian army to withdraw from Ukraine.


Earlier, the remarks made on the Taiwan Strait issue caused controversy.He published a comment on the French media on Sunday saying that Taiwan is related to European economy, business and technology, and calls on European countries to send navy navy to patrol the Taiwan Strait.

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