(Hong Kong / Washington Comprehensive News) The Guizhou Provincial Government Development Research Center said that local governments in some parts of Guizhou have been unable to solve their debt problems and need to ask the country for help.This sign shows that the significant decrease in land transfer has brought pressure to some provinces in China.

Comprehensive South China Morning Post and Bloomberg reported that the official think tank Guizhou Provincial People's Government Development Research Center released a report on Wednesday (April 12) saying that the center found that the center was found in Guiyang Gui'an, Zunyi, Bijie, Liupanshui and other places.The debt problem has become a major and urgent need to solve in front of local governments. However, due to the limited level of financial resources, the promotion of debt work is extremely difficult, and it cannot be effectively resolved by relying on its own ability.


Report said that in the next step, the research team will ask for help from the National Research Center based on the actual situation learned and the prominent issues reflected in each city and counties, and put forward suggestions for differentiation and operations to resolve the debt of Guizhou local government.

This report quickly attracted attention after the phenomenon website was released, and the article was later deleted.

From the perspective of the GDP growth rate of the past 10 years, the average economic growth rate of Guizhou is the head of the country, but Guizhou is also one of the most severe national debt.

China local government bond information disclosure platform shows that Guizhou's debt balance in 2021 is about 1187.2 billion yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 228.8 billion), and the debt limit is about 1236.5 billion yuan, and the amount of bond issuance is to the amount of bonds to227.58 billion yuan, and the principal and interest payment amount was 179.65 billion yuan.

China Real Estate reported that in 2021, the land fiscal dependence of land in Guizhou, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui and other provinces rely on 40%to 50%of the high dependence range.

Land finance has played a positive role in the rapid economic development of China in the past few decades, but at the same time, a series of problems such as rapid rise in housing prices and increasing hidden debt in local governments. With the negative growth of China's population, urbanization, the speed of urbanization is releasedSlowly, the real estate market has fallen in an all -round way, and the relevant risks of land finance have further emerged.

Goldman Sachs Group estimates earlier this month that if the budget borrowing is calculated, the Chinese provincial governments have accumulated debts of $ 23 trillion (S $ 3 trillion), which is equivalent to 126%of GDP.