Sinopec's participation in Katar Energy Company's northern gas field expansion project, becoming the first Asian shareholder in the project.

According to, Sinopec released the above news on Wednesday (April 12), and said that the company signed the Northern Gas Field East Expansion Project (NFE) shares in the Catal Energy Corporation in the Catal Energy Corporation.EssenceAccording to the agreement, Qatar Energy will transfer 1.25%of the shares of the Northern Gas Field East Expansion Project to Sinopec.

The Northern Gas Field East Expansion Project is currently the world's largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, and it is also one of the sub -projects of the northern gas field expansion project.The northern gas field expansion project is divided into two projects: eastward and south expansion in the northern gas field. It is the world's largest single gas field. It is expected to be put into production in 2026.The completion of the project will increase by more than 48 million tons per year, which will increase the capacity of Qatar's LNG from 77 million tons per year to 126 million tons.

The total investment of the Northern Gas Field East Expansion Project reached US $ 28.75 billion (about S $ 38.1 billion). After the project is completedTon.

Qatar's natural gas reserves ranks third in the world, and its LNG output and export volume have long been at the forefront of the world.Since the Russian -Ukraine conflict in February 2022, many European countries have been looking for alternatives for Russian gas supply. Qatar has accelerated production as the main LNG production country and exporting countries to occupy a larger market.