Northern Remember

French President Macron left shortly after, Brazilian President Lulai rushed to China with dust.He will not only strengthen the economic and trade cooperation of these two developing countries, but also step on the "Thunder Area" -visit Huawei's innovation center in Shanghai.

Lulla led nearly 300 luxury government and business delegations. After arriving in Shanghai late at night on Wednesday (April 12), the machine ushered in the enthusiasm and charm of China -Xie Feng, deputy director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, personally.Go to Shanghai and stop at Pudong Airport.

78 -year -old Lula is called "good friend of the Chinese people" by the Chinese media.He paid attention to the relationship with China when he served as the President of Brazil last time.In January of this year, he swore as president again, and it didn't take long for his fifth visit to China in his career.

This trip was originally scheduled to start in the end of last month, which has been postponed due to Luolla's infection with pneumonia.However, on March 29, the Brazilian government announced that trade between the two countries will no longer use US dollars as intermediate currencies, but use the local currency to settle in trade settlement.This iconic incident should be a thing that Huawei made Huawei even more unpleasant to visit the United States.

But the expansion of the "RMB friends circle" is a great benefit to China. This is not only the internationalization of the RMB, but the confidence of the competition between China and the United States has also increased.

Under the pattern of the Sino -US competition, China ’s expansion of RMB settlement in international trade is a lesson that has learned hundreds of billions of dollars assets in Russia under US sanctions.From an aggressive perspective, this obviously also includes China's idea of weakening US currency hegemony.

The goal of "orderly promoting the internationalization of RMB in an orderly manner" is written into the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China announced in October last year. This statement is obviously different from what the Bank of China has previously referred to as "promoting the internationalization of the RMB steadily".Essence

Under this goal, in December last year, when China officially visited Saudi Arabia, it initiated at the China -Gulf Arab National Cooperation Commission Summit to carry out the settlement of oil and gas trade.

Saudi Arabia did not agree at the time, but a month later, Saudi Financial Minister Jia Dan showed a tone in an interview, saying that Saudi Arabia was open to trade with currency other than US dollars.In February this year, the Iraqi central bank determined that it allowed to use RMB settlement in trade with China.After that, the news of China and Brazil's determination to settle the trade settlement directly with local currency followed.

By these days, before Lula's special plane landed, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China successfully handled the first cross -border RMB settlement business with Brazil.Essence

China -Pakistan trade amount is considerable, as high as 171.49 billion US dollars (about S $ 226.7 billion) in 2022, an increase of 4.9%year -on -year.China also has a lot of investment in Brazil, mainly concentrated in high -voltage transmission lines and oil mining.

The two countries are preparing to cross out the economic and trade cooperation from iron ore and agricultural products.International media sources said that in Lula's visit, China Pakistan is expected to sign 20 economic and trade cooperation agreements, including the two parties to compose a satellite, cooperate in the carbon market, and purchase 20 commercial aircraft produced by Brazil in China.Analysts also generally predict that Brazil will join the "Belt and Road" initiative proposed by China.

Lulas on Thursday (April 13) attended the inauguration ceremony of the new Development Bank (also known as the BRICS Development Bank) in Shanghai (also known as the BRICS Development Bank), and said, "Why do all countries use US dollars to use US dollarsCome to settle? Why not be RMB or other currencies to become international settlement currencies? "

BRICS will decide whether to expand this year, and 12 countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Argentina have applied for joining.If the BRICS countries settle bilateral trade with local currency or RMB, it will definitely have a greater impact on the international status of the US dollar.

More attention is that China has frequently attacked international diplomacy this year.Following the successful mediation of Saudi Arabia and Iran in March, Beijing has won Macron's position on the Taiwan Strait last week, which is closer to mainland China.Make the upper power, the three arrows opened and the bits were opened.

It should be said that this cannot be simply attributed to China's strong influence, but it should be said that it is successful.Whether in the Middle East, Europe, or South America, the role of local participants is more critical, and everyone has their own problems and strategic considerations.For example, as early as 2021, Saudi Arabia and Iran conducted several rounds of talks to deal with each other. The topic of "going to the United States" in Latin American countries was 10 years.China enters the picture, and the role is to provide the event and support for the ultimate decisions of these countries.

The United States has a poor economic outlook this year, and the International Monetary Fund predicts that China will contribute one -third of the world's growth, which has made China a higher momentum this year.The US economy and the US dollar are confident. Everyone has to save themselves and hopes that there are other choices of decentralized risks, which constitutes an opportunity for China.However, China's opaque decision -making model and strict supervision of cross -border flow of RMB still exist. Taking the internationalization of the RMB as an example, the road is still very long.

If you imagine China -US Zhengxiong as a game, it is only in the first few rounds. It is not known who will take advantage of the upper round.To be sure, China's participation experience and skills will become higher and higher, and the competition will become more and more intense.