Reuters reports that after a long period of discussion, China will not participate in a survey of high -risk locations from wild animals such as wild animals such as wild animals.

Reuters on Thursday (April 13) quoted UN officials who were unwilling to be named, and the scientific consulting committee of the Asian Global Environmental Security (SAFE) project initially decided that China, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos will participate in the SAFE investigationThe reason is that these four Asian countries have a number of facilities with risks of animals.

The official introduced that the Asian global environmental security project was launched in July 2021.These four countries have previously occurred in major wildlife smuggling cases that will increase the risk of animals.

The official said that the National Forestry and Grassland Bureau were originally interested in the project, but eventually decided not to participate in the scope of no power.The Forestry and Grassland Bureau did not explain, which Chinese government agencies will this project be responsible for.

The State Forestry and Grassland Bureau are responsible for organizing the dynamic monitoring and evaluation of forests, grasslands, wetlands, deserts, and terrestrial wild animals and plants.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Forestry and Grassland Bureau, as well as the UNSCC Office (UNODC) has not yet responded to Reuters' review requests.UNODC is responsible for monitoring the coordination of illegal wildlife trafficking activities and SAFE projects.

The official also said that China still discussed with the other party on this matter, but it did not explain which institution held talks with China.