Many local procuratorial organs in China release signals that support the private economy. Among them, the Anhui Xuancheng City Procuratorate said that it will continue to reduce the rate of arrest of private enterprises and promote more private enterprises to be ledSlowly treated.

According to the news released by the WeChat public account of the WeChat public account of the Xuancheng Procuratorate in Anhui, the Xuancheng Procuratorate formulated the "eight opinions" to promote the development of the private economy, protect the rights and interests of private enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and further further.Optimize the development of the private economy.

"Eight Opinions" include compulsory measures such as detention, seizure, seizure, and freezing in accordance with the law to minimize the adverse effects on the normal production and operation activities of the enterprise;Private entrepreneurs, executives, and technical backbones can be tried in each case, and continuously reduce the arrest rate, prosecution rate, pre -trial detention rate of case -related enterprise cases, and promote more private enterprises in cases of light crimes in accordance with the law.Essence

The opinion also mentioned that it will highlight the right to protect the personal property of private enterprises and private enterprises, strengthen provocation, bullying the market, strong buying and selling for violence, coercion, etc."Investigation and supervision of criminal acts such as intellectual property rights of private enterprises, and solved the problem of unreasonable cases.At the same time, strengthen the supervision of illegal economic disputes on the use of criminal means to solve the problem of not making up the case.

According to the surging news report, Chen Wu, secretary of the Party Group and Attorney General of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, introduced the situation of the procuratorial organs to serve the healthy development of the private economy at the Anhui Private Economic Rule of Law Construction Summit on April 7, including "strict strictImplement Shao Capture and Careful Prosecution of Criminal Judicial Policy, suspect a crime of private enterprise in charge of private enterprise.Essence

In addition to Anhui, the Yulin City Procuratorate of Shaanxi Province also issued a notice last month, requiring the city's two -level procuratorial organs to strengthen the supervision of the administrative cases involved in private enterprises, urge to correct the wrong referees and administrative violations.The legal supervision of administrative cases such as self -operating, property rights, and equal protection of private enterprises.

The Procuratorate of the Xingning City of Guangdong Province recently issued an opinion to put forward crimes such as harsh forces such as inciting trouble, strengthening projects, bullying markets, and forced transactions, etc.Severe crimes that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of both workers, and attach importance to increasing the efforts of pursuit of stolenum.

In addition, the People's Procuratorate of Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province also stated on April 10 that the hospital fully implemented the criminal judicial policy of "less caught and princess" and the confession and confession.The market subject of crime does not arrest or complain if it is in compliance with the law.