Borwa Wild Zoo, St. Aenion, FranceAccording to the side, the rental period of Chinese pandas "Huanhuan" and "Yuanzai" will be extended.

According to the China News Network quoted French BFM Television and the News Information Station, French media such as the news and information stations reported on Tuesday (April 11) that the person in charge of the Bowa Valle Zoo, who was accompanied by French President Macron this month,After returning to France, Drop said that the rental period of Chinese panda "Huanhuan" and "Yuanzai" in France will be extended to 2027.

Drop also hopes that the rental period of "Huanhuan" and "Yuanzai" can even be extended to 2027.He believes that if the relationship between the two countries and China continues to improve, the two giant pandas have no reason not to stay in France.

Reported that there are five giant pandas in the French Bowa Valle Zoo: "Huanhuan", "Yuanzai", "Huan Li Li", "Yuan Dudu" and "Dream".Before Macron's visit to China, the Bolvala Zoo showed his desire to renew the giant panda.

"Huanhuan" and "Yuanzai" came to the Bowa Valle Wild Zoo from the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base in 2012 to open a 10 -year Sino -French Panda Breeding Cooperation Plan.The reason, "Huanhuan" and "Yuanzai" stayed at the expiration of the planned period and did not determine.

"Huanhuan" in 2021 to produce the next pair of twin cubs in France.More than 120,000 French netizens participated in the naming online voting activity launched by the Grand Panda Cubs initiated by the Bowale Zoo. In the end, the two cubs were named "Huan Li Li" and "Yuan Dudu".

According to Dracode, "Huan Lili" and "Round Dudu" can continue to be fed until 4 years old at the Bolvala Zoo, that is, 2025.He said that at that time, there would be new giant panda cubs.

It is understood that the giant panda cubs born outside China also belong to China, and they are generally sent back to China when the giant panda is adult (4 years old).