The National Health and Health Commission of China pointed out that economic burdens, children's care, and women's concerns about career development have become the main factor restricting fertility.

When the Health and Health Commission responded to the proposal of the CPPCC member on the members of the CPPCC National Committee on the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on the proposal to propose policies to encourage early marriage and early childbearing, quoted the data of the State Bureau of Statistics that in 2017, the average primary marriage age of Chinese childcare women was 25.7 was 25.7The average initial age is 26.8 years old, and there is a trend of continuing.A response letter was published on March 30 this year.

The Health and Health Commission pointedTerms of late marriage and late childbirth.The marriage and family editors of the Civil Code did not have the relevant expression of "encouraging citizens to marry late marriage and childbirth".

The Health and Health Commission promises to further strengthen publicity and guidance with relevant departments, support and improve active fertility support measures, and create a good social environment for the age of marriage and eugenics.