Two topics related to durian have recently appeared on the board recently.The Weibo Search List.One is "Thai durian drops 30 yuan for one kilogram price", and the other is "Can Durian Freedom?"

For Chinese durian consumers, prices have always been the focus of their attention.After all, the price of hundreds of yuan is not available for everyone's wallet.However, as China broaden the import market and domestic durian is about to appear, achieving "durian freedom" may no longer be a dream.

The Chinese durian market was almost monopolized by Thailand and Malaysian durian. In the second half of last year and early this year, the fresh durian in Vietnam and the Philippines was allowed to enter China.This means that the durian of the four countries in Southeast Asia will make a high decision in the huge Chinese market. From the perspective of consumers, this is a good thing, because there is more competition, and the price war will naturally start.

Durian export center.As high as 90%of durians in Thailand were exported to China.(Straits Times)

Market trend is consistent with consumer expectations.China CCTV Finance reported last Saturday (April 8) that a fruit operator of Kunming, Yunnan introduced that most of the durian sold in the market is from Thailand and Vietnam., About S $ 3.87), 30 yuan to more than 100 yuan, more than 200 yuan (one). "

As for the price of different varieties, it is reported that Tomani is about 58 yuan per kilogram, and Jialun and Qianyao are 38 yuan per kilogram. Matshan King is the most expensive.Compared with the previous, the price has almost dropped by 20 to 30 yuan.

Nevertheless, online public opinion believes that the price can be lower.Some netizens said, "We are a pound of one kilogram of someone else" "We are quite expensive" "Or expensive, can't afford it." Some netizens said: "Hainan durian is launched quickly, so that you don't need to eat overseas imports to import overseas imports."Valuable durian" "Looking forward to the large -scale production of domestic durian, not far from the price of ten dollars and three pounds!"

In contrast to the "Sunshine Rose", which has plummeted due to domestic production in recent years,Grapes, it is not difficult to understand that netizens will make such a good language.Sunshine rose grapes from Japan sold "cabbage prices" per catty 10 yuan and 20 yuan per catty in the Chinese market last year, which is far from 300 yuan per catty at the beginning of listing.The reason is reported that there are a large number of grape varieties in China.

Comprehensive network information, the common Thai imported gold pillow durian in the Chinese market sells dozens of yuan per catty.If you want to buy a whole durian, spend 200 or 300 yuan.The renamed Malaysian Cat Mountain King Durian started at 300 and 400 yuan.

Thai gold pillow durian is currently currentThe Chinese public generally recognizes and pursued durian.(Internet)

According to the People's Daily Online report, 1,400 acres of durian in Sanya, Hainan, has successfully hung young fruits and will be cooked in June this year. It is expected that the output can reach 3,500 pounds per mu.

Du Baizhong, the head of the first batch of durian planting bases in Hainan Province, and the head of the durian base of the Sanya Yucai Ecological Zone, said that Hainan has introduced durian planting since the 1950s, but it is limited to planting technology."Not suitable for planting durian" label.

He said that he began to grow durian in Sanya in 2020.However, because Hainan has no reference experience, there is no reference experience, and the survival rate of durian seedlings has only been 60%.

According to China News Weekly, in order to solve the problem of survival, Du Baizhong and the Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences have cooperated with science and enterprises.He said: "By this year, the planting management technology is basically no problem. From the automation of fertilizer and water, to the grafting of seedlings, to screening, it is basically standardized. The survival rate of durian seedlings can reach 98%."

Du Baizhong is also very confident in the quality of durian.He said that last year, the Sanya Durian Base had settled a 10.4 -pound durian fruit."You can smell the fresh fruity fragrance from six or seven meters away. The taste is sweet and glutinous, and it is beyond expectations."

According to reports, compared with imported durian, Sanya domestic durian also has a natural geographical advantageEssenceGenerally, a durian leaves the Thailand into the Chinese market. It takes more than ten days on the way. Therefore, Thai durian is often picked in six or seven.

Feng Xuejie, director of the Tropical Fruit Tree Research Institute of Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said: "Hainan durian can be cooked on the tree, maturity and freshness than Southeast Asian durianThere are advantages, which is also the development direction of Hainan durian in the future. "

But to achieve large -scale output, and even replace overseas durian, I am afraid it is not so simple.

This must start with why durian is so expensive.First of all, the planting cost of durian has been high for a long time.Zhao Bin, director of product development of "Ding Dong Buying" in China, analyzes that compared with other fruits, the growth cycle of durian has longer. From a seed to growing into a tree to form a mass productionEssence

Secondly, the durian tree is 20 or thirty meters high. The fruit picking is difficult and risky, and it requires high labor costs.In addition, durian production is also vulnerable to climate.

Feng Xuejie said that durian is planted in a too hot environment, it is too cold, it is not enough, and he is afraid of typhoons, and at the same time there is a humidity requirement."This causes Hainan to plant durian at present, not all of which can be grown throughout the territory."

In other words, because the climate conditions for planting durian are very harsh, only in Sanya, Hainan.Some durian output will never satisfy the Chinese market, let alone that durian can be sold like sunny rose grapes.

The WeChat public account "Xia Ke Island", a subsidiary of the People's Daily Overseas Edition, quoted Du Baizhong on March 22 that Sanya Durian was mass -produced for the first time this year, and the output was only enough to supply part of the market or for brand promotion.Want to enable domestic durian in first -tier and second -tier cities, at least the output will be doubled in 2024.

According to interface news reports, Chinese customs statistics show that after 2019, China's imported fresh durian transliteration in Cherries (that is, cherry) has become the king of imported fruits.

China ’s fresh durian imports in 2021 reached 820,600 tons, and the import amount was US $ 4.205 billion (the same, about S $ 5.591 billion), with a year -on -year increase of 42.66%and 82.44%, respectively.Compared with 2017, the import volume increased by 597,200 tons, an increase of 266.16%; the import amount increased by 3.653 billion US dollars, an increase of 661.78%.It was not until 2022 that the data fell slightly. The import volume was 825,000 tons that year, worth $ 4.03 billion.Not

Employees of a food factory in Hangzhou, China, packed frozen durian on February 3.(Agence France -Presse)

In addition, domestic durian also has a limitation, that is, durian seedlings mainly rely on seeds introduced from Southeast Asia to increase the planting area.In the long run, once China cannot introduce seedlings from overseas, its own durian industry will be severely damaged. Look at the Chinese technology giant Huawei in the chip industry in the chip industry in recent years, it is probably known.

In fact, some countries are now tightening seedlings through legislation or other means, which means that the difficulty of introducing various fruits varieties from abroad is getting bigger and bigger.

According to the Japanese website, the Japanese government implemented a seedlings that are prohibited from registered crop species overseas in April 2021, and fined illegal acts and imprisonment.It stipulates that in the future, if someone will bring relevant seedlings out of Japan in private, it will be punished with a fine of less than 10 years in prison or a fine of up to 10 million yen (about S $ 100,000).

In general, China has taken the first step in achieving the localization of durian, but in the process of expanding production, it will face many problems and obstacles.For the majority of Chinese consumers, this means that the "durian freedom" that everyone can afford to achieve is still far away.

However, as the importing source of Durian expands to Malaysia, Thailand, Yue, and Philippines, market competition will always benefit consumers. At least the options of the variety have increased.Another kind of "Durian Freedom".