China Environmental Organization Beijing Changping District Institute of Diversified Intelligent Environment, sued the Xishuang Version of the Namano Xianggu Scenic Area suspected of abuse of wild animals.This is China's first Asian elephant public interest litigation case.

According to the surging news report, on Monday (April 10) at 3 pm on the case of the case, the case was held at the Kunming Railway Intermediate Court.The indictment shows that the plaintiff Beijing Changping District Diversity Intelligent Environment Research Institute requested the court to order the defendant to stop the elephant's performance training and performance projects such as the elephant school in the Xianggu Scenic Area of the Nishuang Version of the West Shuang Version.Apologics of the behavior of their abuse of wild animals and infringement of animal rights on the mainstream media; the defendant ordered the defendant to compensate for long -term psychological trauma, physical trauma or psychological and physiological long -term rehabilitation treatment of wild animals in the park.The Asian elephant who is placed on the condition is natural.

According to the prosecution, after preliminary investigation by the plaintiff, the defendant is located in the China National Nature Reserve persuaded Zizi Reserve, UNESCO and Biosphere Reserve.National Park with the theme of environmental protection.

The Institute of Diversified Intelligent Environment in Changping District, Beijing believes that the defendant is the main business with park tourism services, domestic domestication, reproduction, and performance.The defendant's industry is the public facilities management industry and belongs to the public welfare industry.The main purpose of its establishment is to protect large -scale natural ecosystems with national representativeness and achieve scientific protection and reasonable use of natural resources. However, the defendant actually has long been engaged in endangered endangered wildlife and damaging the natural ecosystem.

The evidence listed by the Institute of Diversified Intelligent Environment of the Changping District of Beijing shows that in a patent application for a patent for elephant training and domestication submitted by the Xishuangnano Scenic Area submitted to the China National Intellectual Property OfficeIt is clearly mentioned that the purpose of this patent is to domesticate elephants; in the training method of elephants in the patent, repeatedly mentioned the method of using the viabel or nail hook elephantTraining; and the training action of elephants involves riding back, worshiping Buddha, sitting in oil barrels, standing walking, massage, etc., which do not meet the daily living habits and nature of elephants.

The indictment mentioned that the defendant set up an elephant school in the park to perform performance training on the Asian elephant in the park, and conduct various performances in Asian elephants, including elephant sleeves and elephants to play football., Elephant skipping and other action performances that violate Asian elephant nature.

The plaintiff believes that the above -mentioned defendant’s patent and training, performance, school training and other behaviors will not only bring serious damage to the body of the elephant, but also cause the elephant to be seriousDamage has distorted the nature of Asian elephants, so that the Asian elephant cannot survive in its natural nature. Instead, it has been manually controlled for a long time. This runs counter to ChinaThe principle of saving the flagship species is different.

Therefore, the plaintiff shall file a public interest litigation in accordance with the environmental protection law, the Wildlife Protection Law, and the Supreme People's Court on the interpretation of several laws and regulations on the application of laws on the application of environmental civil public interest lawsuits.