(Beijing News) The relationship between China -Australia's relations is recovered. Ma Zhaoxu, deputy minister of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was invited to visit the Australian and Pacific Island countries Fiji this week.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin announced at a regular press conference on Monday (April 10) that Ma Chaoxu visited Australia and Fiji this week and held a new round of Political Consultation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and Australia.Essence

The tension between China and Australia was upgraded in 2020. China's export products including Australia include wine, barley, coal, wood and lobster, and implement punitive tariffs or other restrictions.However, since the Australian Prime Minister Albanis took office last May, relations between the two countries have begun to improve.China has also restored the import of some Australian products.

South China Morning Post quoted sources close to the China -Australian government last week that China has invited Albanis to visit Beijing in principle. The time may be around September and October this year.This time also coincides with the 50th anniversary of visiting China, former Prime Minister of Australia.Whiteland led the country to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1972, and was the first Australian Prime Minister to visit China.

Ma Chaoxu served as the Chinese ambassador to Australia from 2013 to 2016. Although his title is the deputy minister, this year has been clearly explicitized.Ma Chaoxu's visit to Australia is expected to pave the way for Albanis's visit to China in the second half of this year and promote the stable development of relations between the two countries.