A cinema in Wenling City, Zhejiang Province has revenue to the Spring Festival movie sales revenue, and "steal the box office" 80,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 15,000).EssenceThe person in charge of the theater said that "the box office" was because the theater was not very affected by the previous epidemic.

According to the surging news on Monday (April 10), when conducting law enforcement inspections on many theaters in January this year, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province found a box office abnormalities in the theater.

Relevant sources of law enforcement departments said that the book data of the theater's box office sales income is inconsistent with the data reported to the State Administration. The former is much more than the latter.

温岭市综合行政执法部门对此事立案调查发现,今年1月22日至23日,该影院实际销售数据为售票1万1125张、总票价38万9595元;而The data reported to the State Office of the State Council is 6361, and the box office is 222,855 yuan; that is, a total of 4,764 reports were concealed, the fare was 166,740 yuan, and the theater illegal income was more than 80,000 yuan.

The person in charge of the theater said that the previous theater was not very affected by the epidemic affected. "I want to make more money while the Spring Festival file is made." He also said that the theater found the technician, and the theater found that the technician was found.Use technical means to change the background data to "steal the box office".

For the theater's above behavior, the Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau made a penalty decision to confiscate more than 80,000 yuan in illegal income and impose a fine of more than 60,000 yuan.