A survey report released by PricewaterhouseCoopers China shows that more than 70 % of foreign companies have not considered the supply chain out of China in foreign countries.

PricewaterhouseCoopers China last Friday (April 7) was synchronized in 18 cities in China.The research shows that most interviews with multinational companies in China have highly recognized the unique advantages of China's supply chain and will continue to cultivate the Chinese market.

The global supply chain is gradually reshaping. In the Asia -Pacific region and China, enterprises adjust the supply chain, products and services to diversified demands.The toughness of the chain.In this context, PricewaterhouseCoopers China held in March this year in China ’s multinational enterprise executive breakfast will be re -shaped by the Asia -Pacific region.To understand their evaluation of China's supply chain attraction, and the future plan and challenges of multinational enterprises in China's supply chain strategy.

In terms of China's attraction and challenge to the supply chain of multinational enterprises, surveys show that on the one hand, more than 80 % of the interviewed companies listed the huge local market as the considering factors to establish and retain the supply chain in China., Perfect industrial chain and related supporting facilities (40%) and improved infrastructure (36%) ranked second and third.In addition, the high degree of agility of the supply chain (32%), rich human resources (22%), and higher level of industrial and commercial digitalization (14%) are also important factor that attracts multinational enterprises.

Talking about challenges, nearly 80 % of the companies interviewed the geographical situation as the largest supply chain challenge it faced in China.The market growth rate has slowed (43%), and production costs such as manpower and logistics rose (39%) ranked second and third.Competition (25%) in low -cost countries, European and American manufacturing return policies (20%), lack of talent (18%), and environmental protection policies (17%) are also the main challenges.

From the perspective of the supply chain plan and considerations of multinational enterprises, the survey shows that most multinational companies are still willing to stay in the Chinese market, of which more than 70%of the interviewed companies have said they have not considered the relocation of the production or procurement department to relocate the production or procurement departmentIt shows a high confidence in the development of the Chinese market; 18%of the companies that are considering whether they move out but have not been finalized; 12%of the interviewed companies have or moved some of the supply chain or procurement department out of China.

In the eyes of the enterprises interviewed by China, Vietnam, India and Indonesia are the top three destinations in Vietnam, India and Indonesia.The population of the three countries is large, the market is large and the labor supply is sufficient.In recent years, the three governments of the three countries have also launched reforms and investment promotion policies to attract foreign capital to settle in.

In terms of adjustment of the supply chain, research showing the cost is the primary consideration of the first consideration of multinational enterprises.Labor costs and acquisition problems are the most concerned, accounting for 65%; logistics costs and delivery time (46%) and trade and tariff issues (41%) ranked second and third.Nearly 70 % of the interviewed companies chose three factors at the same time, considering more comprehensive and comprehensive.On the whole, although some of China's factors have far exceeded Southeast Asian countries, thanks to high labor efficiency, strong logistics in the logistics field, and low tariff level, China still has high in Asia -Pacific and even global manufacturing industries.Attraction.