Intel Sanya Office opened on Saturday (April 8th) in Sanya Central Business District to start operation -related businesses.

According to the Hainan Daily report, before, Intel Corporation established the Intel Integrated Circuit (Hainan) Co., Ltd. in Sanya.

The newly established Intel Integrated Circuit (Hainan) Co., Ltd., as a wholly -owned subsidiary of Intel in Hainan Free Trade Port, will provide the distribution and settlement of cross -border software and hardware products to the Chinese market, System Integration and Talent Training Services, at the same time, are engaged in equity investment activities for domestic start -ups in China.

Intel is the world's largest semiconductor chip manufacturer and one of the earliest multinational companies to enter China.Intel's settlement is conducive to attracting more domestic and foreign digital economy -headed enterprises in Hainan, accelerating the formation of industrial agglomeration and development, and helping Hainan's free trade port construction.

According to the Taiwan Economic Daily, Wang Rui, senior vice president of Intel and chairman of Intel China, pointed out when attending the Boao Forum of Hainan Asia at the end of March that "I am looking forward to the growth of China's economic recovery this year.Putting high hopes. "He also said," When the digital economy has a national level, it is an opportunity for Intel to get water. "

Intel is a well -known semiconductor chip manufacturer in the world.Enterprises, at present, Intel's investment in mainland China is about US $ 13 billion (Same as Sim, S $ 17.3 billion), and has more than 1200 employees.Intel China accounted for 27%of Intel's global revenue last year.Mainland China has become the largest regional market in Intel's largest investment in the United States and the most complete institutional setting.

In the Sino -US science and technology war, as a US chip giant Intel, it has also become a key goal.The Ministry of Commerce of the United States had previously asked Intel to stop supplying Chinese technology companies Huawei.It is reported that China ’s recent counterattack in addition to investigating Micron Technology, some US media speculate that China may obstruct the acquisition of Israel's high -pagoda semiconductor case.

In recent years, Intel has also implemented strategic contraction.The U.S. media reports that Intel plans to transfer 4G and 5G baseband technology related to laptop business to Taiwan MediaTek and Mainland China Guanghe Tong. The transfer is expected to be completed by the end of May.Intel has also sold the mobile phone 5G baseband business to Apple at a price of $ 1 billion in July 2019.Intel will withdraw from the 5G baseband market in the future.