He Xiaodong, vice president of Jingdong Group, Chinese e -commerce giant, said that JD.com will release a new generation of industrial models this year, and the rhinoceros will be the "Jingdong version" ChatGPT.

According to the Securities Times website, He Xiaodong revealed the above news at the main forum of artificial intelligence model technology summary forum held at Xiaoshan, Hangzhou Xiaoshan last Saturday (April 8th).

He Xiaodong said that, in response to the real industrial needs, JD.com will release a new generation of industrial models this year.More than 3,000 kinds of coverage, an artificial audit pass rate of more than 95%, and generating more than 3 billion words.

He believes that ChatGPT is the crystallization of continuous development of deep learning, and is the first true artificial intelligence (AI) native product in the true sense.Because ChatGPT can realize the accumulation of human models from machine learning, neural networks, and TranSFormer models, it can be said that ChatGPT has upgraded artificial intelligence innovation paradigms.

In addition, He Xiaodong pointed out that on the basis of previous models, the current ChatGPT model has significantly improved, suchHigh accuracy, higher adaptability, stronger self -learning ability, and so on.

He said that with the continuous improvement of the growth rate of parameters, there is still a bottleneck in computing power and training costs, and the performance ceiling of large models is far from coming.At the same time, the algorithm needs to be optimized according to hardware, including chip-level optimization, data center architecture, machine learning distributed architecture, and other computing power innovation will become the key to breaking the situation. Turning the industrial industry of artificial intelligence computing power-artificial intelligence applicationsflywheel.

According to the surging news in February, He Xiaodong said that JD.com has rich scenarios and high -quality data in the field of ChatGPT.Iterates updated in time.

He Xiaodong said that compared with traditional chat robots, Jingdong's scene is more vertical, and users must solve user problems., Meet the requirements of cost, experience, price, product, service and other elements.

He believes that ChatGPT is an exciting cutting -edge exploration, and Yan Rhino is a large -scale commercial customer service system., Promote the implementation of artificial intelligence industries.