With the recovery of China's economic epidemic, the development index of small and medium -sized enterprises in China in the first quarter of this year recorded 89.3, an increase of 1.3 points from the fourth quarter of last year, and the highest increase in the fourth quarter of 2020, but it is still lower than 100 honor.Line.

According to the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency, data released by the China SME Association on Sunday (April 9) showed that the development index of SMEs in the first quarter of this year was 89.3.Although this number is still less than 100, it has reversed the decline since the second quarter of 2021.

According to reports, the sub -index and the sub -industry index of the development index have been comprehensively picked up.Growth in all tracked industries is relatively obvious.

China SME Association said that with the expansion of China's overall recovery momentum and market demand, SMEs are more confident in business development, which reflects the improvement of market expectations.The association also said that the shortage of funds for SMEs has also been relieved.

However, the association also warned the difficulties such as labor and housing costs, calling for efforts to improve the business environment, and maintaining the continuity, stability and transparency of government policies.