Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, emphasized that the task of theoretical armed forces is still arduous, and said that in the face of various uncertainty and unpredictable risks, it is urgent to further study and implement socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era to achieve realizationTwenty strategic goals.

According to China CCTV News, Xi Jinping said on the collective study of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on Thursday (March 30) that facing intricate international and domestic situations, arduous and heavy reforms, stable tasks, and various uncertaintyThe unpredictable risk challenge is to achieve the strategic goal of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must be good at using this idea to solve various contradictions and problems in economic and social development, promote high -quality development, and promote common prosperity.

He also said that he must be good at using this idea to prevent and resolve major risks, see all kinds of risks to be adorable, turn into unpaired, resolutely prevent various risks out of control, and resolutely prevent systemicity.risk.