The Brazilian government said that a few days before the Brazilian President Lulla visited China, the Chinese government resumed Brazilian beef imports on Thursday (March 23) and issued a new license to the four Brazilian beef packaging factories.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Reuters reported that in a statement, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture said that after the meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Brazil, the Director of the China Customs Director Yu Jianhua met,The Chinese government decided to lift Brazilian beef ban.However, the Chinese government has not yet commented on Brazil's announcement.

Consulting company Dataagro Pecuaria said on Thursday that China will also issue new licenses for four Brazilian beef packaging companies.This is the first wholesale permit since 2019.

On February 23 this year, after confirming an atypical mad cow disease in Paran, northern Brazil, Brazil's official voluntarily stopped selling Brazilian beef sales in China.Brazil is the largest exporter of beef in the world, and China is its main market.

Reuters reported that a total of 41 Brazilian beef factories are currently authorized to sell to China.In the case of embargo, Brazil's beef producers loses up to $ 25 million per day (about S $ 33.2 million).Last year, about 62%of Brazil's beef exported to China.

At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Lula will visit China at the end of March.Lula will visit China with a delegation composed of 240 commercial representatives, 90 of which are from the agricultural sector.Among the business leaders who visited China with Lula, more than a quarter came from the fleshy meat industry in Brazil.