The National Forestry and Grassland Bureau of China said that the recent strong sandstorm weather process that has occurred has affected about 560 million people.

According to the China News Agency, the reporter learned from the China State Forestry Bureau on Thursday (March 23) that since March, there have been four sand and dust weather process in China, including two weather in the sand, including two weather in the sand, including two weather weather.The process, the weather in the dust storm, and the weather process of strong sandstorms are more than the same period last year (twice) last year, and more than the same period of the past 20 years (3.3 times).

The weather and dust storms that occurred from the 19th to 22nd, mainly originated from southern Mongolia and southern Xinjiang, China, with a large range of influence and strong intensity.It mainly affects 15 provinces in Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong, and Henan.560 million people.Among them, strong sandstorms appeared in Xinjiang Ruoqiang, Zhangye, Gansu Zhangye, Erlianhot, Inner Mongolia, and Baicheng, Jilin.

The State Forest and Cao Bureau of China said that there are three main causes of sand and dust in the near future: First, the wind speed produced by frequent cold air, the instantaneous wind speed of many places exceeds 20.8 meters per second, and the formation has reached level 9 or more., Provided power conditions for sand and dust weather; second, the temperature of sand and dust sources such as Mongolia and Northwestern China in late February to early March, the temperature is high, of which most of the Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Tianjin, northern Hebei, and central and ShanxiThe temperature in the north, northern Shaanxi, and local conditions in northern Ningxia is 1 to 2 ° C. The unstable air condition provides heat conditions; third, the growth of vegetation in southern Mongolia in 2022 is compared with the average status of 2021 and nearly 20 years in the past 2021 and the average status in the past 20 years.Both bias, the precipitation source areas in China in the early stage of China, and the soil is biased, especially in northern North China, eastern Inner Mongolia, and eastern Xinjiang.Dust weather occurs.

The relevant person in charge of the Forest and Cao Bureau said that the Lincao Bureau launched a 24 -hour dynamic monitoring and adopted a variety of methods such as satellite remote sensing monitoring, ground observation, and information on site information on site information.At the same time, it has successively conducted rolling offers with relevant units of the China Meteorological Administration to study and judge the development trend.

The person in charge said that in recent years, the area of desertification and desertification and desertification of China has continued to shrink, and the work of sand prevention and sand has achieved good results.However, China still has 2.5737 million square kilometers desertized land and 1.6878 million square kilometers of sandy land. Especially large -scale deserts and Gobi are always huge and permanent.Task.