Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, emphasized that ceasefires, recovery of peace talks, and political resolution crises should become a strategic consensus between China and Europe.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Yi should make an appointment with the French presidential foreign affairs consultant Bona on Thursday (March 23) to conduct bilateral high -level exchanges, promote the overall strategic cooperation exchange opinions of China -FranceConsensus.

Wang Yi responded to the situation of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia, emphasizing that this is an important visit between the two neighboring countries. It is both a journey of cooperation and a journey of peace.

On the Ukrainian issue, Wang Yi said that China continues to adhere to the basic position of persuasion and talk.The joint statement issued by the heads of state of China and Russia "made an important explanation on the Ukrainian issue, made peace to the international community, showed the desire of dialogue, met the common will of most countries, and clarified the correct direction of political solution to the crisis."China is looking forward to France and other European countries that can also play a role in this.