Chinese official state -visited Russia may become a historical event for international geopolitical trends in the future.He went to Moscow with the posture of the medium, but also supported Russia to ensure that the Russian President Putin was invincible to ensure China's diplomatic space.Observation from a series of international diplomatic movements in the same period, China's official co -Russian diplomatic policy has exacerbated the trend of the international structure camp, such as Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishi visited Ukraine at the same time.The strategic game of land power headed by the United States and the land power of China and Russia may become the theme of international politics.

In order to highlight the "big country responsibility" of the "journey of peace", it is reported that China will arrange a video meeting after China ’s official visit to Russia in China.In a joint statement issued by Chinese officials after talks with Putin, it also emphasized that it is necessary to resolve the "Ukrainian crisis" through peace talks.China has not used the "war" to describe the conflict of Russia and Ukraine, and has also refused to publicly condemn Russia's aggression, which has aroused high dissatisfaction in European countries.The International Criminal Court approved Putin with suspected war last week, which will not weaken the Chinese official "peace diplomacy".U.S. Secretary of State Brillings also described Chinese officials to provide "diplomatic cover" to Putin, which directly denied it.

At the substantive bilateral diplomatic level, China's official visits to Russia have received huge gains.After talking with Putin, he signed two statements, one "about deepening the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership in the new era", and the other was "the development plan for the key direction of the China -Russia economic cooperation before 2030".The Russian and Ukraine War not only forced Moscow to need China to alleviate diplomatic isolation, but also relying on China's support more and more economically.Russian energy exports are increasingly inclined to the Chinese market, and chips, heavy industrial machinery and various components must be imported from China.China ’s exports to military and civilians to Russia also help the Russian army to continue to fight.

The news previously revealed that Chinese officials would visit Russia in April or May. He quickly talks with Putin after the "two sessions" in advance, reflecting the judgment of the severe degree of the situation.Faced with the advanced progress of the United States and the West, China decided to protect Russia by themselves.As a result, Putin does not become urgent due to the failure of the Russian and Ukraine War.NATO training and equipment Ukraine have been in place, and soon the spring counterattack will be launched.China's strong economic and trade assistance allows Putin to extend the war.The Russian and Ukraine War could not be determined, and it may be down Ukraine and weakened Western willpower and public opinion support. In Asia Pacific, the US and European military support Taiwan will be dispersed.On the other hand, China is actually worried that the war is constantly being upgraded and out of control, leading to a crisis in the Russian regime. In the end, China will bear the pressure of western countries alone.

尽管出于担心西方经济制裁的考量,北京暂时还没有决定大举军援克里姆林宫,但中国外交部长秦刚在“两会”期间,首次把中国军援俄国,同美国军援台湾相提并论,引起focus on.As a trump card that is afraid of in the West, this strategy of China may stay before the formal showdown.China ’s intention to introduce the economy of western capital has recently undergone subtle changes.Deloitte, one of the four international accounting firms, was suddenly severely punished by Chinese officials, showing that maintaining economic and trade relations with Europe and the United States, or has gradually given a strategic security consideration to Fed Russia.

The geopolitical changes that China's official trip affect this trip reflected in a series of frequent international diplomatic activities.The Chinese official front foot has not left Moscow yet, and the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong has taken a secret to Ukraine on March 21, and secretly arrived in Ukraine, and announced that the funds that aid Ukraine rebuilt were increased from 5.5 billion US dollars to $ 7 billion to hedge Chinese diplomacy.The intention is obvious.Japan held a summit of the Seventh Kingdom Group in May to invite South Korea, Australia, and India to join. The theme was also the Ukrainian war.The previous historical grievances of Japan and South Korea have enabled both sides to deal with North Korea and even China.The German Education Minister visited Taiwan on March 21 and the Czech House Speakers led a huge delegation to visit Taiwan on March 25, all showing Europe's attitude towards China.

China's Federal Russia diplomacy seems to be the new replica of the United States during the Cold War with the United States.China's official Kremlin trip accelerated the trend of international geopolitical campization, and the pressure of all parties surrounded by the Russian and Ukraine Station team.The position of the United States so far is still in preventing the Chinese military in Russia and avoiding the night dreams of the Russian and Ukrainian war; China has retained this ace and waited for opportunities.With the decoupling of Chinese and Western economic and trade, the rules of globalization must be rewritten, and the peace and stability of the world may have more variables.