The Chinese Embassy in India runs Majia in the temporary period of the Embassy in India that the situation of the China -India border is generally stable, and the two sides maintain foreign military channels to communicate, and they are promoting the situation to transfer to normal control as soon as possible.

According to a press release according to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in India, the Chinese Embassy in India held Majia on Wednesday (March 22) to hold a hair dryer and publishing a keynote speech from the China -India media.

Ma Jia said that China -India is the two major civilizations in the neighborhood. It is the representative of the largest developing countries and emerging economies with more than 2.8 billion people.The generalist direction of multilateralism has firmly safeguarded the rights and interests of developing countries.Sino -Indian has a similar or similar position on major international and regional issues, and has extensive common interests in South -South cooperation, development of poverty reduction, climate change, and energy security.

She pointed out that in the world of chaos, China and India can make a strong voice and strive for more institutional rights for developing countries.China -India cooperates with the future of Asia and the world."We should adhere to the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries 'leaders' development for development opportunities and not constitute a threat '' 'two countries is partners rather than competitors'.

Ma Jia said that China has always been fromLooking at and handling China -India relations in a strategic height and long -term perspective, even when the relationship between the two countries has encountered difficulties, the position of China has never shaken, and it is always committed to promoting the return of bilateral relations to the return of health and stability.

She sheIt is also said that since last year, Sino -Indian relations have shown a positive momentum of gradually recovering. The situation of the border between China and India is generally stable, and the two sides have maintained foreign military channels to communicate and are promoting the situation as soon as possible.Restore.

Ma Jia emphasized that the Chinese side supports India to fulfill the national duties of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Chairman of the G20 (G20), and is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation to defend the common interests and international fairness and justice of China. "We believe that China and India can definitely explore a way of getting along with peace in peace and development to realize the "Asian Century" vision."