Scholars interviewees analyzed that in the context of the emergence of crown disease prevention measures, the anxiety and insecurity of young people in China have exacerbated, and "Kong Yiji Literature" "As a kind of cold humor, it has become a manifestation of self -decompression and self -deprecation.

Following the flat and inner volume, "Kong Yiji Literature" started in ZTE in the Chinese younger generation.They compared the fictional figures of the famous writer Lu Xun who were impoverished but could not let go of the scholars' shelves, and they mocked the serious employment environment through self -deprecation.

受访学者分析,在中国冠病防疫措施放宽后种种经济问题浮现的背景下,中国年轻人的焦虑感和不安全感加剧,而“孔乙己文学”作为一种冷幽默,成了Their self -decompression and self -deprecating embodiment.

Many online community platforms in China have recently set off a wave of "Kong Yiji Literature". Many young people have described themselves like Kong Yiji who have academic qualifications but unsatisfactory, which has attracted the empathy of many young people.

Some Chinese netizens wrote a message: "They all say that education is a stepping stepping tile, but I slowly discovered that it is also a high platform that I can't get off, but also the long shirt that Kong Yiji can't get rid of it" "The cold window of ten years is not as good as three generations of business.They said that reading changed my destiny, and then told me to take off my gown "" I don't understand Kong Yiji, I understand the book of the book. "

Kong Yiji is a fictional figure in Kong Yiji, a short story of Lu Xun. He is a reader who has not passed the talent. He has a poor family and lacks practical skills. He can only steal books.He always insisted on wearing a dirty and broken gown, because it was a symbol of the status of a scholar.

Chinese netizens therefore compared "Kong Yiji gown" as their own education, saying that they had taken off the "Kong Yiji gown", which means that putting down the shelf to find a job that didn't pay much attention to education.

The employment rate of young people began to recover by the Chinese economy is still lagging

The rise of

The rise of the wave of Kong Yiji is when college graduates are facing employment difficulties.Although the Chinese economy has begun to recover after relaxing the control measures of the epidemic, the employment rate of young people is still lagging.According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday (March 15), the national urban survey unemployment rate rose to 5.6 % in February, of which the unemployment rate of population from 16 to 24 has risen to 18.1 %, the highest in September last year.

"Kong Yiji Literature" also attracted the official attention of China.The official media CCTV News published a comment article on Thursday (16th), calling on the anxiety behind the trend of "Kong Yiji Literature".The article admits that the anxiety behind "Kong Yiji Literature" is a normal emotional reflection of young people in life under the impact of the downward pressure on the Chinese economy and the impact of employment.

But the article also said that the reason why Kong Yiji was in a dilemma of life was because he couldn't let the scholars' shelves, unwilling to rely on labor to change his situation, and emphasized that the era of Kong Yiji was gone.Trapped in a gown.

The Communist Youth League published a comment article signed "Xiao Jian" on the same day, and the direct criticism of "Kong Yiji Literature" is a "insult that does not need" to read the young people.Live in a "self -degraded Kong Yiji".

Tan Gangqiang, director of the Chongqing Concord Psychological Consulting Office, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the original economic problems were more significant and serious after relaxing the control measures of epidemics;Employment reality has exacerbated their anxiety."Kong Yiji Literature" reflects this sense of insecurity and anxiety.

Tan Gangqiang believes whether the anxiety continues depends on the trend of China's economy and employment market.From an optimistic perspective, this emotion may be maintained for half a year to one year; if it is not good, it is possible to last two or three or five years.