中国国家主席习近平星期一(3月13日) In the morning, National People's Congress first speech after entering the third term.

Xi Jinping first said that this is the third time he has served as President of the State."The trust of the people is the biggest motivation for me to move forward, and it is also the responsibility of my shoulders."He said that he will faithfully fulfill the duties assigned by the Constitution, take the needs of the country as the mission, and the interests of the people as the criterion.

In a 16 -minute speech, Xi Jinping reviewed the history of the CCP and China, and also mentioned the goals of high -quality development, people's supreme development, better overall development and security, and promoting the construction of a community of human destiny.Essence

Xi Jinping emphasizes the relationship between security and development. It means that security is the basis of development and stability is a prerequisite for strong.He requested to implement the overall national security outlook, improve the national security system, enhance the maintenance of national security capabilities, improve the level of public safety governance, improve the social governance system, and ensure the new development pattern with a new security pattern;The people's army was built into the Great Wall of Steel, which effectively safeguarded national sovereignty, security, and development.

When talking about cross -strait issues, Xi Jinping reiterated that the realization of the entire unity of the motherland is the common wish of all Chinese children and the meaning of national rejuvenation.He said that we must adhere to a Chinese principle and "1992 consensus", actively promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, resolutely oppose external forces interference and "Taiwan independence" division activities, and unswervingly promote the unified process of the motherland.

Xi Jinping finally mentioned party affairs.He said that promoting the construction of a strong country must adhere to the leadership of the Chinese government and the party's central government to centrally strengthen the unified leadership and effectively strengthen the party's construction.We must always maintain the soberness and firmness of solving the unique problems of the Great Party, be brave to self -revolution, keep comprehensively and strictly governing the party, unswervingly oppose corruption, always maintain the party's unity and unity, ensure that the party will never deteriorate, unchanged color, not color, notChange the taste to provide a strong guarantee for the construction of a strong country and the national rejuvenation.