The warehouse area of China IKEA has always been a popular place for many people to "punch in" and take photos with online celebrities.Recently, some netizens found that the IKEA large warehouse area is no longer allowed to take pictures.Shanghai IKEA responded that if other customer experiences will be stopped.NotThis provision represents support.NotNews Morning News reported on Wednesday (March 8) that some netizens shared their photos taken on the IKEA warehouse on social media and paired with the copywriting "I know today! IKEA warehouses will not let photos."The entries that are not allowed to take pictures in the IKEA large warehouse area will then appear on the hot search.NotA customer service in IKEA responded that It doesn't matter if you just take out your mobile phone and take two photos at will.NotPeople, people in some online stores will take their own boxes and clothing to take pictures, affecting the experience of other customers. When we cannot judge whether customers come in will affect others, we generally do not allow taking pictures. "

Many netizens support the approach that IKEA, and commented: "The merchant has done nothing" "It's not a day or two, it should be stopped" "I support the merchant", "support, look at it, look at it, look at it, look at itIt's annoying. "NotIt is reported that many bloggers have exposed IKEA's "strategy" and composition skills on social media.NotAccording to the news, some netizens said that they encountered several photos in IKEA. The people who shot would take pictures next to the shelves of the warehouse, set up various postures, sit, lie down, and lie on their stomachs. Some people even surrounded a area in the warehouse for their own photos to prevent others from entering, resulting in the customer's more than ten minutes.NotAnti -netizens discussed in the Shanghai IKEA storage cabinet area.NotA IKEA security guard said that every time the cabinet is opened and the object is required, you need to enter a password. If there is a customer selfie or videos next to it, the access password may be taken, and the storage items may be stolen.