China confirmed that the National Data Agency will be established to centrally control data and control data., Change the structure of the current supervision of the data of multiple departments.

The State Council of the State Council of China proposed the "National Institution Reform Plan" on Tuesday (March 7), and suggested that the "National Data Agency" was managed by the National Development and Reform Commission.New institutions will be responsible for coordinating the construction of data basic systems, coordinating the integration, sharing, development and utilization of data resources, and promoting the digital economy and digital social planning and construction.

The American Media Wall Street Journal took the lead in quoting people familiar with the matter on Monday to disclose the above news.

At present, China Data Supervision is responsible for multiple institutions, including the China National Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the National Development and Reform Commission.It is reported that multiple departments are sometimes confused by enterprises, and I do n’t know which institution should be contacted on the issue of compliance.

The new institution will become the highest regulatory unit to deal with various data -related issues, and effectively solve the above problems.At the same time, it will have huge power and management authority.

People familiar with the matter mentioned that the agency will be the maker and executor of the data collection rules.For example, the agency has the right to prohibit enterprises from collecting certain types of consumer data; when Chinese companies plan to share data with overseas business partners, they will also be reviewed by the agency to determine whether the data sharing of data infringes national security.New institutions will investigate various problems in the digital field. For example, the company uses algorithms to manipulate data or seduces the Internet addiction to the Internet, and will also identify data security vulnerabilities that are easily attacked by cyber attacks.

Not only are Chinese local companies within the scope of supervision, but also the multinational companies operating in China are also included.Whether the data generated by foreign companies in China can leave the country will also be supervised and controlled.

A person familiar with the matter analysis said that the new institution will have a similar position as the National Anti -Monopoly Bureau.In 2021, the National Anti -Monopoly Bureau of China was upgraded from a small department to the National Bureau of the State Council Ministries and Commission, and was led by deputy ministerial officials.2020 and 2021 are the most vigorous anti -monopolies in China. The establishment of a unified antitrust institution is not only for the needs of antitrust law enforcement, but also shows an important position in the priority of Chinese policy at that time.

If the new data regulatory agency has a similar status as the National Anti -Monopoly Bureau, it may mean that data security issues have become increasingly the main points of attention of the Chinese government.

A large amount of data generated by digital activity has always been a problem that regulators around the world need to respond.In 2018, Europe introduced a powerful Data Protection Regulation Regulations.The Federal Trade Commission is currently exploring new regulatory regulations to strengthen network privacy protection.China has also introduced a number of laws and regulations such as data security laws to monitor data processing of Internet companies.

China ’s plan to set up a centralized data management and control agency, although it is consistent with the global regulatory trend, has also caused various concerns.On the one hand, data security issues have always been one of the detonation points of the geopolitical in the United States and China. The establishment of new institutions and the rules that will be formulated in the future may cause new disputes in China and the United States.On the other hand, Chinese and foreign companies are also worried that the formulation of various rules has led to the continuous rise in compliance costs.

Sino -US is worried that local data is leaked to each other

As early as 2021, the data security in the Didi incident showed the data game of China and the United States.Didi was listed on June 30, 2021 on the New York Stock Exchange, the largest listing of Chinese companies in the United States since 2014.However, on July 2, the Chinese government announced the launch of the "Didi Chuxing" to launch a network security review, and the "Didi Chuxing" stopped new user registration during the review.

After the security review announcement was released, it once caused rumors that Didi packed Chinese user data and road data to the United States for listing, annoying the Chinese government.For this reason, Li Min, Vice President of Didi, released Weibo, emphasizing that it is impossible to hand over data to the United States.

The data security law passed in June 2021 stipulates that the state establishes a data security review system to conduct national security review of data processing activities that affect or affect national security.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the upcoming data management agencies will review the sharing data of Chinese enterprises and overseas business partners, and at the same time judge whether the data generated by foreign companies in China can leave the country.This will be further measures for China to protect local data.

On the other hand, the US government has the same concerns.Tiktok, a successful audio and video social media platform in the United States, has been dealing with the US government for several years on data security issues.TIKTOK has been suspected by the US government and the media to share data from American users with Beijing's parent company, and the Chinese government has the possibility of actual or potential use of American sensitive data and technology.As early as December 2019, the United States issued "Internet Security Notes" called Tiktok's hidden safety hazards.

The security issues have been carried out with the US government for several years.(Reuters)

The most worried about the United States is the leakage of information involving the US military or intelligence personnel. Therefore, the U.S. Navy and the Army prohibit download Tiktok first.The original US user data of TIKTOK only stored in the United States and backup in Singapore.In order to eliminate doubts, Tiktok relocated the data information of American users to the server of the Oracle Company (Oracle) in 2022, and strived to solve the concerns of US regulators' concerns about the integrity of the application of the application.Even so, the U.S. government is still not assured of TIKTOK, and this Monday is prohibited from using Tiktok on government equipment.

Didi and TIKTOK cases are just a small part of the China -US data game.Both countries were worried that important data was leaked to each other and gave pressure to specific companies.

In addition to TIKTOK transferred data to the US -owned enterprise server, Apple and Tesla operated in China also established new data centers in China to store more data locally.The cost of compliance is constantly rising, and Chinese and American companies are taking time -consuming and expensive measures to plan data transmission methods.

China will set up the National Data Agency, I believe that the political and business community will pay close attention, and the new institution will affect the situation of the Chinese and American data game patterns.On the other hand, the Chinese government has made a two -year blow to Internet technology companies. Whether the new regulatory agencies will cause new burdens on scarred technology industries, and will also get answers in the near future.