Lin Yifu, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Dean of the New Structural Economics Research Institute of Peking University, said that in new economic fields such as new energy, big data, artificial intelligence, and life sciences, China hasOpportunity.

According to the China News Agency, Lin Yifu on Tuesday (March 7) in China The second plenary session of the first session of the 14th session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference made the above statement.

Focusing on the future, Lin Yifu pointed out that China has five major innovation and development advantages.

Lin Yifu said that as a developing country, in addition to primitive innovation, China also has the advantage of introducing, digesting, absorbing, and innovation as a source of innovation.

He said that according to the purchase power parity calculation, China's per capita GDP in 2019 was 22.6 % of the United States, which is equivalent to the level of Germany compared with the United States in 1946, Japan in 1956, and South Korea in 1985.These three countries, the per capita GDP has been increased by an average annual increase of more than 8 %.In 2021, the total value of manufacturing products imported in China reached 1.7 trillion US dollars (S $ 2.28 trillion). The use of the advantages of the latecomers for technological innovation, implementing import substitutions and exporting space.

Lin Yifu said that in new economic fields such as new energy, big data, artificial intelligence, and life sciences, China and developed countries are standing on the same running line, relying on many human resources, large domestic markets, and full industrial facilities. ChinaWith the opportunity to change overtaking and lead the world in Germany, Japan, and South Korea.

He also said that China has the advantages of a new type of national system.Some technologies that may be "stuck neck" can be broken through the new national system.

Lin Yifu said that China also has the advantage of population quality dividends.The proportion of the population of China's higher education education is constantly rising, and the demographic quality dividends will continue to be released.China's oversized domestic market is also an advantage.This overall large -scale domestic market has become an important foundation for China's economy to achieve high -quality development.

Lin Yifu also made suggestions on promoting the effective improvement of the economic realization and the reasonable growth of the amount.The content includes the work of coordinating the relevant departments to avoid policy synthesis errors; adheres to the status of enterprises as the main body of the futures and the main body of the overtaking opportunity, as well as the government's leading role in organizing a new national system; further digging out talent -type labor resourcesAdvantages, improve the supply and demand matching capabilities of the human capital market, and make every effort to promote the transition of the bonus of population to quality dividends.