The Chinese State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism in rural areas to prevent and control the prevention and control work of the rural areas issued a document on Wednesday (January 11), emphasizing strictly, and doing the prevention and control of the epidemic in rural areas.It is necessary to form a prevention and control service team to implement the personal protection responsibilities of villagers, returning people, key groups, and infectious groups.

According to CCTV news reports, the guidelines for preventing and controlling the prevention and control of new coronary virus infection in rural areas (rural grass -roots organizations) emphasized that it is necessary to form a prevention and control service team.Under the leadership of the township party committee and government, the village party organization secretary is responsible, and the village "two committees" are responsible for organizing the establishment of village -level prevention and control teams.Give play to the role of the villagers' committees and other mechanisms, and implement groups, shards (grids) through gridization, informatization and other means.Register and manage the basic health information of the villagers, and focus on the health services of key groups such as the elderly, disabled, maternal, orphan, orphan, orphan, and left -behind children who have basic diseases.Responsible for the basic situation of the bottom, organize visiting inspections, assist in sending medical treatment for medical treatment, assisting referral transfer, taking care of care, and doing a good job of publicity and guidance.

The guide is clear that the personal protection responsibilities of villagers, returning people, key groups, and infectious groups must be implemented.Guide the villagers to actively cooperate with vaccination, and organize people with intensive high -risk as soon as possible to complete the vaccination as soon as possible, scientifically wear masks.At the beginning of the return of returnees to return home, they gathered as little as possible and during the severe epidemic.The "two committees" of the village should master and report to the health information of key groups in the village, and do a good job of health services for key groups of red, yellow and green logo.When the infected people have symptoms such as fever, antigen or nucleic acid testing is performed in time.Asymptomatic infections and patients with light cases implement home care at home, and go to the hospital in time when there are symptoms such as continuous high fever and difficulty breathing.

Guide requirements, we must do a good job of preventing and controlling key places and links.When the epidemic is serious, the scale, frequency, and duration of marketing activities such as temple fairs, literary performances, exhibition promotions, marriage and funerals, and marriage are appropriately controlled.Entertainment, leisure, religious activities and other places have been suspended or open; business places such as farmers' markets and bank outlets shorten business hours; limit the number of people in the same meal or cancel the food.

The guide is clear, we must do a good job in assisting key groups to transfer, contact the equipment of anti -epidemic materials.Villagers who have mobilized private cars to set up transfer to ensure volunteer teams.The village clinic should be equipped with necessary epidemic prevention materials, and the availability of medicines should be maintained for more than 2 weeks.When the supplies are scarce, it is given priority to the key groups and difficult personnel.

Guide pointed out that agricultural production activities should be implemented.Coordinate the prevention and control of epidemics, and the circulation of agricultural production, livestock and poultry breeding and epidemic diseases, and the circulation of agricultural products.The village "two committees" organize the development of farming and aggregation in accordance with the needs of farmers, assist in the organization of input products, and incorporate agricultural production materials, food and important agricultural products into the scope of key supplies for the prevention and control of the epidemic., Agricultural products are smooth.